HELP! KK 13: Many Stock Instruments get "Your version of Kontakt is too old..."

Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Kontakt Komplete 13

Native Access & all Libraries are up to date
Cubase Pro 12
Windows 10 64-bit

Error message for the below mentioned:

“Your version of Kontakt is too old to load this file. Please update to the latest version.”

I can access the instruments mentioned in Cubase using Kontakt Player 7, but not full Kontakt.

While I have reinstalled Kontakt, its \Common Files\VST3 “Kontakt.vst3” date is old “June 5, 2023, though the “Kontakt 7.vst3” in the same folder is a bit newer, May 27, 2024 – which seems weird since I reinstalled Kontakt today (June 12, 2024).

But maybe this isn't relevant and some other vst folder holds the updated version. I just figured I'd provide the info.

I have scoured the Net and the NI site to figure out how to fix this and have tried reinstalling some, including Kontakt itself and watched videos on how to fix individual instruments, but have found no solution yet.

There is no longer a way to see the vst plugins path in the current Native Access (only the plug-in instrument installation paths – which in my case are all on my music production D:\ SDD drive. Access shows no installation path errors.

But I can't tell if the non-working instruments' vst paths are now incorrect for some unknown reason.

I did not change any directories or change the location of any NI or other vst on my C:\ drive to have possibly caused this. It just started happening a few days ago for no apparent reason.

I haven't tested all stock Kontakt Komplete instruments, but it seems that the ones that have only one .nki listed as instrument have this error show up.

Such as Analog Dreams, Hybrid Keys, Low-Fi Glow, Cloud Supply, Ethereal Earth, etc.

While a different error, I also can't access my paid upgrade for Sessions Guitar Electric Sunburst called the Deluxe version (it also can only load it through Kontakt 7 Player now).

The non-Deluxe patterns-only version of Electric Sunburst shows up in full Kontakt and can be loaded. Reinstalled it, re-registered the serial number, re-activated. Still the same situation.

It seems that all of this may be connected somehow – or not.

Either way, I'm nervous about maybe needing to reinstall KK 13 for I have third party full Kontakt instruments that have presets, multis, etc. that I can't afford to lose. Andit seems I'd have to reinstall, re-register their serials, active, etc.

Or not?

Please advise what I should do. It seems that I need to do some global fix – my attempts at fixing any of these one by one has hit a wall and is totally overwhelming.

Thank you.


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    Kontakt 6 will show as just Kontakt. To "turn" Kontakt 7 Player" to the full version you just need to reinstall it.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert
    edited June 2024


    "While I have reinstalled Kontakt, its \Common Files\VST3 “Kontakt.vst3” date is old “June 5, 2023, though the “Kontakt 7.vst3” in the same folder is a bit newer, May 27, 2024 – which seems weird since I reinstalled Kontakt today (June 12, 2024).

    But maybe this isn't relevant and some other vst folder holds the updated version. I just figured I'd provide the info."

    Very relevant. The first file you referenced (Kontakt.vst3) - is in fact Kontakt 6 from 2023 - and any library you attempt to open (that was updated in Native Access anytime after Fall 2023) will give you this message.

    The second file you reference (Kontakt 7.vst3) is Kontakt 7 and it is up to date.

    What is happening in your case is - that for whatever reason - you are attempting to use Kontakt 6 to open these newer library versions rather than version 7 - which is clearly installed.

    The fast fix is to drop Kontakt 6 immediately - if in fact you own the full version of Kontakt 7. But if you have older projects that need K6 - you will need to tread carefully.


  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 2024


    Thanks for prompt reply. I'm zeroing one what you said here:

    "The fast fix is to drop Kontakt 6 immediately - if in fact you own the full version of Kontakt 7."

    As the screenshot below shows, I have v. 6.8 x. Is v. 6 due to that I have KK 13 and not 14 - or can I update it for free or does one have to upgrade to KK 14 to get it? Not sure what the "ADDED: Kontakt upgrade link" means is this screenshot.

    Since my Player is v. 7, I thought the full Kontakt was updated to 7, but it isn't.

    Then you stated:

    "But if you have older projects that need K6 - you will need to tread carefully."

    Could you clarify what that entails, i.e. consequences if I can upgrade to full Kontakt without having to purchase KK 14 (I can't afford it).

    My only DAW is Cubase and I went to check when I purchased KK 13, and it was longer ago than I thought - Feb 9, 2022.

    I thought core applications such as full Kontakt should be backward compatible, with in reason - such as at least 64 bit VST3. Especially with KK's own stock instruments.

    But I am not informed enough on all of this, so more advice appreciated.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert


    "As the screenshot below shows, I have v. 6.8 x. Is v. 6 due to that I have KK 13 and not 14 - or can I update it for free or does one have to upgrade to KK 14 to get it?"

    Since you have Komplete 13 - yes - K6 is as far as Kontakt went for that bundle.

    You will need to upgrade to K7 ($$$) if you want/need to move up to K7 (and get rid of these errors).

    The other option is to backport all the libraries that are giving you hassle by reviewing this thread:

    NOTE: if you go this route - and get everything reverted back to the libraries that work with Kontakt v6 - beware of going into Native Access after this. You will need to avoid ever hitting Update All and can never again update anything Kontakt based.

    Doing so will simply put you right back where are are right now - here in Hassle City.


  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 2024

    OK, looks like I'll have to be careful as you said on what decision I make here.

    But what puzzles me with all of this is why Native Access would not recognize that I have KK 13 (Standard BTW) and not obseletize—yeah, not a word, but you get the drift—some instruments that came with KK 13. As well as paid upgrades that I got such as the Electric Sunburst Deluxe that I use instead of the in-KK 13 regular non-Deluxe version.

    Couldn't I just upgrade to full Kontakt 7 instead of having to buy the full KK 14?
    If so:

    NI's website has Kontakt 7 available at the time of this post for USD $149. I don't see any upgrade version for registered users of Kontakt 1-6 - and don't see any such option in my NI but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Unlike

    Sweetwater has it USD $47 for and Plugin Boutique for USD $49.50
    These latter offers are obviously far more wallet friendly for me.

    From what I've read, I'd have to keep both versions (6 and 7) in case some issues pop up in my DAW.

    Now, I just also noticed that (for now) I could upgrade from KK 13 Standard to 14 for only USD $99. Which of course includes Kontakt 7.
    IF SO… would that mess with/worsen and/or repair said, uh, Hassle City situations?

    My hope is the latter.

    Your thoughts?

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited June 2024

    Were you logged into your NI account when you checked the Kontakt upgrade price? They currently have a sale on.

    My update price is £44.50 (I do own a lot of NI stuff so your price may be different) but if I log out it rises to £134

    But at $99 to upgrade to 14 standard, personally I’d go that route this link has a list of what’s new in 14 compared to 13, a total of 33 extra things for the Standard version

  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 2024

    "Were you logged into your NI account when you checked the Kontakt upgrade price? "

    Yes, and I have the Deals page open and Kontakt 7 still shows USD $149 still.
    But when I hit the small "see upgrade price" it does show USD $49.50.

    At that price, I might as well upgrade from KK Standard 13 to 14 for USD $99.50…

    I'm just still concerned that if I do so, could it fix or worsen my current issues?

  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member

    @Vocalpoint - I'd welcome your viewpoint on the directly above - would going for KK 14 worsen or fix the current problems I have? For If it would fix them, for USD $50 more than just getting Kontakt 7, I'd get some more sonic goodies. :)


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert

    Any method of getting Kontakt 7 (full) will set you up for success.

    But if it were me - deciding what to buy - always head right toward Komplete (vs a standalone) product.

    I have Komplete 14 ULT here and the value is off the charts - including the all important Kontakt 7.

    If you are going to upgrade your Komplete - no better time than the Summer of Sound!


  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member

    @Vocalpoint - Well, figured I'd take the plunge and just upgraded to KK 14. (It's just way too freakin' easy to spend money on the Internet…). So hopefully once all is installed I can come back here and close this thread. 😎

  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member

    @Vocalpoint and/or anyone else:

    Well, unfortunately the problem persists after upgrading to KK 14.

    After using NI Access to download everything, I did a rescan in Cubase's plug-in manager, but it showed no new plugins, even though KK 14 has new instruments not present in KK 13.

    And trying to load one of those, such as Empire Builds shows same old-version error. My Electric Sunburst Deluxe is also still missing.

    Same thing occurs with the standalone Kontakt with Cubase shut down.


    Kontakt still shows being v. 6.8 x in Access after the KK 14 upgrade. I even manually added the serial number for KK 14 Standard upgrade, which Access accepted, but still hasn't solved the Kontakt version problem.

    This makes no sense, it should have upgraded to v.7.x

    The only other listing for Kontakt is "Kontakt 7" (which is the player, not full Kontakt) in Access and in Cubase.

    This is becoming frustrating.

    Now... another thing may or may not be causing some or all of this -- missing content?

    A few days ago, I was comparing and transferring my backup directory from one backup drive to another of my Kontakt Komplete content folders (two of them for some reason but with no duplicates between the two).

    This to make sure the new backup location matched their original location before I nuked the old backup folders after I had copied it all over to the new backup drive.

    While it only lasted a couple of seconds or so, I erroneously had started to nuke the -- original folders -- before I quickly cancelled. I checked the original folders in a cursory way and looks like I cancelled in time.

    Recycle Bin also showed no straggler deleted files to restore either.

    But maybe some necessary content files, however small were deleted. I have no clue.

    Whatever the case:

    Does re-installing ALL content through Access fix potentially missing content?

    Logic would say yes, but hopefully I haven't created any irreparable damage.

  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 2024

    P.S.: I use Revo Uninstaller instead of the Windows intall/uninstall prog. I just noticed that my attempt to re-install full Kontakt after I had installed everything Access told me to install after having purchase KK 14 showed that…

    NI just re-installed v. 6.8.x - NOT v.7.
    There is nowhere I know of where I can manually download and install this needed version. I don't want to or need to pay for a separate v.7 when it should come included in KK 14.

    So.. is it safe for me to uninstall v. 6.8.x and let Access install v. 7.x on its own, and would it?
    I don't want to risk this for full Kontakt is absolutely essential.

    (And I apologize for this saga continuing here through all my scribbles, I'm just trying to solve this conundrum.)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert

    Kontakt 7 should be listed as a product within Native Access along side of Kontakt 6.

    And remember - Komplete is not a "product" - it is a bundle license. Buying KK14 does not do anything magical in of itself - like remove Kontakt 6 and install Kontakt 7 0 you still have to install/uninstall every single product on your own.


  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member

    I just noticed that Guitar Rig Pro 6 is still there, not upgraded to v. 7, so same situation as with full Kontakt.

    So you're saying that I should uninstall all instruments, applications, effects, expansions (the whole top row of stuff in the above screenshot in Native Access) and re-install all of them so that they are of KK 14 and not 13?

    That's a huge undertaking it seems to me. I don't have many 3rd party full Kontakt plug-ins and instruments so at least there I may be OK.
    But if so, got to do it.

    For Steinberg products, it's a bit easier to handle. Each version of software, i.e. Cubase has its separate page in the Steinberg Download Assistant. For example, I still have Cubase Pro 11 installed even though I only use 12. I keep it as a last resort in case of major boo-boo with 12.

    But my guess one can't have KK 13 and KK 14 installed at the same time.
    13 has to go bye-bye it appears.

    How would you do this in a careful way so as to not have me mess this up?

  • Soniclight
    Soniclight Member Posts: 46 Member

    Hmmm… found this FAQ at NI while searching for something else:

    Do I still need to keep KONTAKT 6 installed when I upgrade to KONTAKT 7?

    Yes! Installing KONTAKT 7 will not automatically replace KONTAKT 6 content in your DAW projects. If you have projects that use KONTAKT 6, you will need to keep it installed. You can however use KONTAKT 6 and KONTAKT 7 in the same project.

    Note for users of the VST plug-in of previous KONTAKT versions in Cubase, Nuendo, MASCHINE or KOMPLETE KONTROL:

    If KONTAKT 7 is installed on your system and the older KONTAKT version has been uninstalled or is not available, the host will automatically replace all instances of the older KONTAKT version with the KONTAKT 7 VST3 plug-in when loading a project.


    OK, good to know - and points to that I should not uninstall 6 to play it safe. But I still don't see anything in my registered NI products and serials to download full Kontakt 7 (or as mentioned missing also, Guitar Rig Pro 7).

    How do I do this without having to uninstall everything that I bought with KK 13?
    I'm really confused now…

This discussion has been closed.
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