Session Bassist – Upright Bass takes more than one minute to load

JAVIBUS Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I just bought the Session Bassist - Upright Bass instrument and it takes over a minute to load, both in Kontakt 7, Maschine, and Komplete.
Sometimes it doesn't load at all and the application closes.
Is there any way to fix that?



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod


    what are your computer specs, do you use an SSD and so on. First time opening a kontakt instrument can take a little longer, but if you open another one it normally loads faster. What if you use kontakt stand alone?

    JAVIBUS Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz (8 GB RAM)

    The more voluminous virtual instruments I have installed on an SSD, but I have never had any problems with them, only with Session Bassist - Upright Bass.

    In Kontakt stand alone it takes a while to load it as well

    Thanks for your answer.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    You could try try to add the native library folder as scan exclusion. I can try also to get my hands on the library and try on my PC, and how it's looking relativ to other libraries.,%2C%20file%20types%2C%20or%20process.

    JAVIBUS Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    I have tried excluding the largest libraries from Session Bassist, I have disabled Windows Defender and McAfee antivirus real-time protection, and it still loads very slowly.

    I think the problem is in the Native Instruments installation, although I have already reinstalled the virtual instrument 3 times.

    Thanks anyway for the effort.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited April 2024


    "I have tried excluding the largest libraries from Session Bassist, I have disabled Windows Defender and McAfee antivirus real-time protection, and it still loads very slowly."

    This is the issue right here. Not exactly sure what you expect to gain from running two AV systems (especially with your CPU and limited RAM) but McAfee is a known dog (and truly bloated useless software) and should be removed without a second thought.

    Windows Defender is all you need these days and once you set it correctly to never scan anything from Native Instruments - you should be fine.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    Please uninstall McAfee, windows defender is perfectly fine. I hope you didn't pay for it.

    JAVIBUS Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I have uninstalled McAfee and it still takes a century to load the application, it gives me time to smoke a cigarette and have a coffee, but thanks for the advice.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    Then we are moving into hardware territory here and judging by your descriptors - it's a laptop of some sort. Which is always a challenge - especially with that CPU and limited RAM.

    For quick compare - I have a half dozen of the Session series instruments here - but running on a very modern 2024 DAW (workstation) with a very high end CPU, 64GB of RAM and all NVMe drives and any one of these Session instruments loads practically instantly. AND I am running Defender too.

    You cannot get blood from a stone in this case. You either have the horsepower or you don't.

    And that is not a specific fault with Kontakt or this library. Guaranteed that over in the lab and in development - the makers of this library were not testing their new creation on a 2017 era laptop CPU.

    You may have to bite the bullet and upgrade some of that 2017-era hardware if you want a better loading experience here in 2024.


    JAVIBUS Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Dear Vocalpoint,

    So far I've been doing very well with my laptop that meets the requirements published on the Native Instruments website:

    Windows 10 ó 11 (último Service Pack), procesador Intel Core i5 o equivalente
    Soporte de hardware de gráficos para Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) o superior
    4 GB RAM (6 GB recomendado para Instrumentos KONTAKT grandes)

    You're probably right, but it's about time they update the system requirements to be able to work well with the new NI virtual instruments.

    Not all of us can buy a new computer every two years, besides I am not professionally dedicated to make music with these programs, I have them only as entertainment.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    Completely understood. I get the cash angle, the affordability and all of that - I think we all do.

    However - assuming that a 2017 era computer (of any kind) will run modern software as smooth as glass here in 2024 - is wishful thinking.

    And I will correct you on your interpretation of system requirements - they are based on "modern" equivalents - not 2017 equivalents.

    So if a system requirement says "Intel Core i5" - what it really means - is my new i5-13600K or even a newer 14th gen i5. It does not mean a 2017 era i5 for certain. There are tons of Intel i5's out there and many are simply no longer system relevant here in 2024.

    And RAM requirements stated are for the instrument/Kontakt itself. It does not include a RAM count for what Windows itself will need. Or what your apps need (like your DAW) and whatever else is running on there - these items will need RAM that is way above any stated minimums.

    In a DAW scenario - Windows 10 itself needs at least 16GB to really run right and Kontakt could easily benefit from another 4-6-8GB of RAM easy dependant on what libraries are in play. So we are already at 20+GB of RAM - just to run Windows without straining and run an instance of Kontakt.

    You can see where this is going. Today's software needs horsepower. It is what it is.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    Maybe you can upgrade the ram in your laptop, with some models it's very easy, I also own an older laptop and replaced the internal HDD with an SSD and upgraded ram and this helped a lot, I also can't spend a lot of money every 2 years for a new laptop - but in my case it's my second computer so I own a better desktop computer. And btw do you maybe use an external drive? I guess if you want to use session bassist upright bass you simply have to wait then a bit, I also have to if I use my laptop with bigger projects, once loaded they run fine.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    I think you may have missed the principle of what I was describing using exclusions in Windows security. In my Microsoft Defender I only exclude C:/Program Files/Native Instruments, NOT individual libraries. The Antimalware program only initiates based on the program that's loading an instrument, not the library. That single entry in the exclusion list will apply to any libraries loaded through Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol regardless of where the libraries are physically stored. The way you entered your exclusions would have no effect on eliminating the Antimalware program from scanning and would have no effect.

  • Jim Homme
    Jim Homme Member Posts: 16 Member

    HHi. I'm having this issue on Mac. My NI libraries are on an external drive, which is SSD. This seems to be the only library that hangs for me. I'm running a 2023 iMac with an M3 chip. 16 Gig RAM. Sinoma 14.5

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