Using Komplete Kontrol causing my DAW (Reaper) to freeze every 5 minutes

shannonsmith Member Posts: 33 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi folks,

I know there are several posts about Reaper freezing or crashing but none seemed to apply to my situation.

I use Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol keyboard and VSTs with Reaper- Reaper keeps freezing/crashing every 5 minutes and I have to open task manager to stop it and then restart- I can't work like that obviously.

My computer is a brand new and very powerful:

Dell XPS 8960 which has-

Intel 13th Generation Core i9-13900K Processor with Turbo Boost to 5.80GHz (fastest processor yet made)


Windows 11

Seperate 4TB SSD which holds the reaper library as to not take from C drive. 

I'm using 48000 reaper and the VOLT 2 interface. I've tried buffer 512 and 256 but still issues. Any ideas on why this would happen, what to look and and how to resolve please? 


  • seven78
    seven78 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm getting the same issue ever since I updated Komplete Kontrol. The issue seems to be related to Reakontrol plugin. I read on Reaper support forums that downgrading to KK version 2.9 should work. Hopefully Native Instruments can fix this issue.

  • maxdis
    maxdis Member Posts: 9 Member

    Having the same problem, using Komplete Kontrol in Reaper is a nightmare lately

  • EarBud
    EarBud Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same issue here. Komplete Kontrol was working fine until I updated it to Now when I try to load KK into an FX window, the screen goes white and the blue progress circle appears until I shut down the DAW. If it's a problem with Reacontrol, I hope the author fixes it soon. But more importantly, I wish Native Instruments would start including Reaper in their testing protocols.

  • MatGMO
    MatGMO Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Exactly the same issue here. With my KKS88 MK2, KK freezes my reaper, after few minutes. Please NI, fix it, we need to work 🙏

  • hansrombouts
    hansrombouts Member Posts: 2 Member

    Same situation here. Just updated komplete kontrol to version 3.1 (and all of my NI-instruments using Native access) and opened a existing project in reaper.

    Slected two instruments within the new komplete kontrol and the whole system hangs. Very frustrating; I've been using NI in combination with Reaper succesfully for years... Please fix this

  • Idge
    Idge Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue here with latest REAPER, KK 3.12 and KONTAKT 7 - only way to make it stable is to run KK as dedicated process. Don't know what downfalls this may provide. I'm also runinng Reakontrol and until now everything has just worked. I would love NI to talk to the amazing folks at REAPER and just fix the problem.

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