Komplete Kontrol missing 3rd party libraries

tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

The latest version of Komplete Kontrol, as installed by Native Access, does not appear to be showing 3rd party NKS instruments like those from u-he, Arturia, ect. Mostly it appears to be showing NI instruments or 3rd-party instruments made for Kontakt playback. What am I missing?

Best Answers

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    Answer ✓

    U-he and Arturia NKS won’t be installed through Native Access, you need to install them using Arturia software centre and the u-he plugin installers respectively- and make sure you choose custom install to install the NKS resources, then rescan the Komplete Kontrol database

    If you are using Komplete Kontrol 3 you really should be using the VST3 versions as KK3 doesn’t even add the VST2 path by default, and if you are on Mac, VST2 is also no longer supported

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you only see user NKS it sounds like you have not installed the factory NKS content for those synths. Check out those folders I mentioned



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    If you have Kontakt 7, just open the 3rd party instruments via Files, but you need the OG Rack View for that.

    Then go around the folders inside the Files for 3rd party instruments you put on and load them.

    I had similar problem and it solved it.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    You probably need to ensure when you have installed them to select install NKS/thirdy party content too

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor
    edited December 2023

    @tokenboomer I have the same question - and just to clarify I'm not seeing many 3rd Party libraries in either the KK Software Browser or in the physical browser on my S 61 Mk3 that used to previously appear prior to KKv3. While KK 3 has brought great improvements (in my view - I know some don't see it this way but there we are....) I am sorry that quite a few instruments seems to have disappeared. I know there are other ways to load them but digging in file menus looking for nki stuff is a bit of a bore and the previous method was one of the attractions of KK etc. @Matthew_NI or @Jeremy_NI would you care to comment on this and is there a solution? Thanks

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod


    I'd recommend opening the KK standalone application, and in the KK settings/preferences performing a plug-in rescan.

  • tokenboomer
    tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi Matthew,

    I did the rescan.The NKS versions of uhe software are not showing up except where I had patches stored in my user area. I noticed that several 3rd party companies now appear as little tabs below the main NI window but uhe is not one of them. Not only were they there before the update but they included previews as well. If I go into my user patches I can get access to my favorite Zebra2 patches but these have no previews.

    Also I thought you'd like to know the current rescan process has some bugs including rescanning many vsts multiple times.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    Hi are you use the VST3 versions and have you installed the NKS resources? these are often custom options in the install process

  • tokenboomer
    tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi Kymeia,

    When I did the rescan, Komplete Kontrol stand alone version defaulted to VST instruments, unless the instrument was only available in VST3, in which case it used the VST3 plugin. I watched the scan and all my 3rd party instruments were scanned including those NKS instruments now missing from the GUI. What's confusing me is I have a number of 3rd party NKS, all of which were working fine within Komplete Kontrol before the latest update. Those missing now include instruments from u-he and Arturia. They do appear within my user section but without previews. I'm not sure what NKS resources you're talking about but there's nothing by that name listing in Native Access.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    Answer ✓

    U-he and Arturia NKS won’t be installed through Native Access, you need to install them using Arturia software centre and the u-he plugin installers respectively- and make sure you choose custom install to install the NKS resources, then rescan the Komplete Kontrol database

    If you are using Komplete Kontrol 3 you really should be using the VST3 versions as KK3 doesn’t even add the VST2 path by default, and if you are on Mac, VST2 is also no longer supported

  • tokenboomer
    tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member

    So there's a problem with the scanning function in Komplete Kontrol. If it now only scans VST3 format, then I'll have to go and get some of my older plugins in that format. That's a pain. I use Logic Pro which is AU only and so for the longest time I was only installing that format. Of course NI installs its plugins through Native Access which automatically installs the formats it needs. The weird thing is I have Pigments in VST3 and it didn't install the NKS version of that. I'm wondering if I should remove the VST2 formatted plugins when I do another rescan so it only has one option. One more question. I've spend a lot of time building a user library of favorites which includes many from those 3rd party apps. A few hours ago I checked those and most of them are now missing. Are they stored somewhere so they'll return if I get the VST3 version?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    edited December 2023

    It can scan VST2 but on M series Mac they may require Rosetta to load in Komplete Kontrol (in Logic too if that is your DAW) and you will need to add the VST2 folder path to KK. KK moved to VST3 a year ago in Mac because Steinberg removed support for it on Mac, if you have plugins etc not showing that may be why, hopefully most will migrate to VST3, u-he and Arturia do but as I said you need to do a custom install and include the NKS/third party resources, that is why Pigments didn’t install them

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    To do a custom Arturia install turn off silent installs in ASC

  • tokenboomer
    tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member

    My problem is not with 3rd party libraries that would normally play back through Kontakt 7--those work fine-- but with NKS versions of plugins like Zebra2 and Pigments. Unless something has changed, those cannot be used within Kontakt 7.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    So that is the problem?

    Then I don't know...sorry...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    No of course they can’t, just Komplete Kontrol and Maschine

  • tokenboomer
    tokenboomer Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi Kymeia, Thanks for being so helpful. As things stand, the only 3rd party items that are visible with in the main GUI of Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 are libraries that make use of Kontakt 7s playback engine with one exception. For some reason, Spitfire Audio's BBC Core is available from the main GUI and that uses their own "play" engine. Plugins like Zebra 2, Pigments, Deva, Hive 2 and others are all now only available in the user area with reduced functionality. No previews for any of the u-he synths though they had previews before when they were on the main GUI before the upgrade. I've contacted NI support about this and also u-he support. Urs at u-he got back to me. He seems quite baffled by this. The only suggestion he could come up with, was to reinstall all of my u-he plugins and see if that works. I'm going to wait for the NI support response before I do that. This problem didn't exist before I used Native Access to upgrade to 3.0.3. so, at it's core, the problem is there. I did, by the way, do a plugin rescan with 3.0.3. during which I restricted the rescan to only VST3 plugin versions. It didn't help.

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