How to change the pitch (bend wheel) sensitivity with Electric Sunburst (guitarvst) ?

OhKerod Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


I checked online and the only answer I have is to click on the (top left) wrench and add an external modulation.

But there is not this option in Electric Sunburst. There is no wrench , only gear icon which opens a totally different window.

I need to increase the sensitivity of my bend wheel for this instrument.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @OhKerod Unfortunately the pitch bend is fixed for this library. You can't really adjust the range.


  • OhKerod
    OhKerod Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Nobody ?

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    I;ll take a stab at this. I have Electric Sunburst.

    The 2 possible ways that may work for you depending on your gear are

    • See if your keyboard/controller has software that allows you to change the pitch bend range
    • Midi assign/learn a new pitchbend range in your DAW
    • I wish Native Instruments would upgrade their guitar vst's and other instruments once in a while. These instruments have a lot of POTENTIAL.
  • OhKerod
    OhKerod Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Tahnk you for your answer.

    I have a Komplete Kontrol. I can't find any documentation about changing the pitch bend for this keyboard.

    All the answers taht I can found online seem to point at the Vst's settings which are not available in Electric Sunburst from what I see.

    I checked the settings on my DAW (there are set to max range)

    Link to video :

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    You can go to the 'Controller Editor' software for your Komplete Kontrol keyboard. In there <as i recall> , you can change the settings for your pitch wheel, mod wheel, and a bunch of other stuff. Perhaps you can increase the bend range that way. If you dont have the controller software you can find it in you 'Native Access'. You have me curious about this now

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @OhKerod Unfortunately the pitch bend is fixed for this library. You can't really adjust the range.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    A simple multscript will enable you to reduce the range, which would make it more sensitive.

    on init
     declare $PB
    end on
    on midi_in
      $PB := ($MIDI_BYTE_1 + ($MIDI_BYTE_2 * 128)) - 8192
      $PB := $PB / 2 + 8192
      set_event_par($EVENT_ID,$EVENT_PAR_MIDI_BYTE_1,$PB mod 128)
      set_event_par($EVENT_ID,$EVENT_PAR_MIDI_BYTE_2, $PB / 128)
     end if
    end on

    Paste into KSP multiscript slot and click Apply. I've halved the pb value (line 8) but you could try dividing and multiplying it by any whole numbers e.g. /3 *2 (not decimals). Let me know if my arithmetic is wrong.

    (You won't be able to increase the range this way.)

    Note: being a multiscript, it will affect all instruments in the multi. You can add a line to specify the channel if necessary.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    You're welcome (as Sheldon would say)

  • OhKerod
    OhKerod Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    Unfortunatly KSP is not accessible from this instrument otherwise I would have been able to directly change the pitch from the wrench menu. But this menu does not exist here.

    I am sure your script is still useful for others isntruments...


  • OhKerod
    OhKerod Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    Indeed I found the Controller Editor and there might be an optio nto change the sensitivity called "Strenght" but unfortunatly I have not been able to make it work in the daw (FL studio). But I might be missing something there...

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    I;m glad I responded to your thread...It sent me somewhere great. I have Session Electric Sunburst Les Paul like you, and the Tele and the Strat. I;ve always wanted to do soloing and improv and found these libraries limited. Your thread caused me to stumble upon the Impact Soundworks Shreddage plugin and I just picked up their Stratus (Strat) plugin which is Komplete Kontrol compatible

    I;m just scratching the surface with this, but you can very easily change the pitchbend range both up and down by turning a knob. You can change it by up to 12 semitones either way so it is great for whammy too..dive bombs and such. There are so many more articulations and they are assignable and the sounds that come out can be VERY convincing

    My plan is to use my Native Instruments guitars as rhythm guitars and for the patterns..I think that's what these are good for..and use the Stratus for soloing. They don't offer a Les Paul, but offer up several other guitars. What is it they say? "You can make a Strat sound like a Les Paul, but cant make a Les Paul sound like a Strat?? <something like that> They are a very responsive company with an interesting background...and they are constantly upgrading their guitars...they are on Stratus v3.5 and my Native Instruments stuff like guitars are still stuck on version 1.

    Hope this helps..thanks for causing this discovery for me

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited November 2023

    Unfortunatly KSP is not accessible from this instrument

    It's a multiscript, not an instrument script. Close all instruments to editing, and access via "KSP" at the top R corner of the Kontakt window. It affects MIDI messages before they reach the instruments.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited November 2023

    there you go

This discussion has been closed.
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