Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert
    edited October 2023

    PLEASE take this as a joke!

    NI as a big open air promoter:

    “Guys, we won’t be amplifying guitars, cause our datas (shared only by synth players) say nowadays the majority of musicians use synths.


    Since we have Stevie Wonder performing between the other 100 artists, we will prioritize giving to every performer a cane to reach the stage, since we will also not be putting (useless) lights to illuminate it, because this is political friendly and helps making our brand name look very engaged”

    This is not in any way an attack to visually impaired users (in facts, one of the few things that makes me proud to be a NI user is their engagement on this matter), but…ever thought of releasing the product when it was finished and guitarists, synths players and visually impaired users would all have been able to enjoy it?

    Oh…I forgot: “Even if you are a synth player, if you use XY synth we won’t be amplifying you neither, cause it would require us to bring another different type of cable”

  • Syngularity
    Syngularity Member Posts: 17 Member

    Write automation in DAW is not possible with effect devices loaded after the instruments. Any sane reason for this?

  • Syngularity
    Syngularity Member Posts: 17 Member

    Please add "random sort" for the browser. It's about time for it.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited October 2023

    Not really - fx have always been an afterthought for KK. Until we get a dedicated effect version and support for automation for fx and saveable fx chains they will remain of limited value within KK (although more so in Maschine)

  • Syngularity
    Syngularity Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2023

    Pro's so far for me:

    I've talked with a colleague just before the update, that KK should consequently overtake the look of Kontakt 7. I love to have that now, so I won't even think of reverting the version. The workflow issues I adressed here are the same which have been already there.

    Fonts look much better, and it's a joy navigating through all the presets now, looking at my 4K display on the wall. That was a pain before.

  • Syngularity
    Syngularity Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2023

    I think, when the fx parameter writing issue is solved, the company should get modern and think about implementing layering/nesting options for devices, smart parameter handling, and macros. At the moment I'm happy with John Lehmkuhl's Unify for this workflow, but it would be very exciting to experience both worlds meeting... Dear NI - maybe you should cooperate with John ;-)

  • GBManager
    GBManager Member Posts: 4 Member

    There are lots of really bad UI issues but what makes things even worse is that it basically causes my Logic to stop being responsive momentarily when doing anything in it, or when opening an instance of KK when a simple project is playing; and I have a new Mac Studio Ultra!

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 525 Pro

    It's alright, but, I liked v2 better. I don't see any additional functionality, and, the on the GUI side, it simply appears that everything is displayed bigger now.

    I also liked to have the preset browser on the left side, which left place for the plugin to be displayed.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    I would not want a separate, dedicated effect version of a KK derivative.

    I'd rather see KK3 evolve to handle some of these desires.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member

    just from reading the first page of this thread i can see im not alone in thinking ni really focked up here! my whole entire work flow has just been sacked! thanks! my whole process is based around komplete kontrol and ni have literally taken away the tools ive paid for and replaced them with inadequate ******!

    this new update is absolutely garbage and ruined what made komplete kontrol amazing. is there a way to revert back to the old software? i cant work with this. other people have already pointed out whats wrong so i dont need to repeat it all.

    i expect komplete kontrol to go the way of massive. nobody uses massive x and most people still use the original massive as the update was another big balls up.

    who ok'd this? someone who doesnt use komplete kontrol, thats who

    this has left a really bitter taste in my mouth. i own komplete collecters edition and thousands of pounds of third party libraries and the experience of using them has just been sh1t on

    at least give us 2 versions like massive. v2 that 90% of people will use and v3 that will go under the radar like massive x. if not, can i have a refund on all of my komplete products?

    im so angry right now, i feel violated!!

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    I'd disagree here - they'd simply need to allow the FX to start the chain, right? I might be being super special today.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    The new keyboards require KK3, yes, so this is one of several reasons why it's been released.

    That said, it's been released before the new keyboards, so it's not solely linked to their existence.

    Two things can be simultaneously true:

    • We have many many more users than are represented here - and who use the features we've initially focused on, and don't use the ones we haven't yet.
    • We have users (many of whom are represented here) that want to see improvements beyond those we've delivered, or the return of certain features not yet present in the new tech stack.

    Regarding the former, we're good. Regarding the latter, I'm trying to highlight the next few things we're working on. Where there are skeptics, you can understand... they've only got the past on which to go. The team and I just have to show we're doing the things we've said we'll do.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    The agenda was transition everything to a new tech stack, in order to begin to accommodate more long-standing feature requests in a scalable way.

    User interface resizing, for instance, wasn't possible on the old graphical framework (which used fixed bitmaps) but has now been implemented properly for host content resizing, with more resizing improvements planned.

    As with any tech transition, not every last feature necessarily makes it right away.

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