
  • Edenorchestra
    Edenorchestra Member Posts: 27 Member

    good comments guys!

  • Fiddleman
    Fiddleman Member Posts: 3 Member

    Any update on NI support for EW Opus? I just got a NI S61 keyboard, and was truly hoping that it integrated with EW sample libraries. I can see by this thread that the error message stating that it cannot load EW Play libraries, and that no OPUS libraries show up in the selection menu on the keyboard is an artifact of the combination that NI both does not support OPUS libraries, and that PLAY libraries don't run on Apple silicon. This is very disappointing, and I hope that the original estimate of four weeks to support these libraries (made back in December) is close to Komplete! Please update this thread if there is more information or an ETA. Thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Fiddleman Please contact East West to learn more about their NKS features and their implementation.

  • Fiddleman
    Fiddleman Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks for the response, Jeremy.

    I have contacted East West. Here are my questions and East West's response:


    -----Original Message-----

    From: Mark Indictor

    Sent: 5/16/2023

    Subject: Native Instruments NKS Compatibility for Opus, and Apple Silicon Compatibility for Play


    I am using Native Instruments' Komplete Kontrol. It appears that Opus instruments are not NKS compatible, however some of the Play libraries show up in Komplete Kontrol and play snippets of the samples, but they cannot load. Here is an example of the message it displays:

    "EW Silk could not be loaded, as it may not yet support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration. Please contact the plug-in manufacturer for more information."

    If I load Komplete Kontrol in Rosetta, Play instruments will load and play, but the scanner app crashed many times while Komplete Kontrol rescanned my plug-ins.


    1) Is Opus compatible with NKS, and if not, is NKS compatibility planned for Opus in the future, and if so, is there an estimate of when it will be?

    2) Play seems to be NKS compatible, but only when running under Rosetta. Is Apple Silicon support planned for Play instruments, or only Opus?

    I highly prefer EastWest samples, but this compatibility issue is making it difficult. I really like Native Instruments' Komplete Kontrol's interface, but I REALLY do not want to run under Rosetta and I REALLY want to use the Opus library's samples. 

    Thank you for any advice or information you can provide. 

    Best Regards, 



    Hey Mark,

    Play will never be M1 native. NKS Support for Opus is planned in the future - we've been waiting on Native Instruments to make an update to their NKS support build software so we can make Opus fully NKS compatible, but we've also been waiting on that for over a year so I can't speak as to exactly when that will be, but hopefully sooner rather than later.

    For now you will have to continue using that in Rosetta until that's updated.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.




    So, Jeremy, I am sending this question back to Native Instruments... When does NI expect to fully support East West Opus with NKS compatibility?

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Best regards,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Fiddleman This is I got from the NKS team: they are in the final stages of approving the NKS compliance for all Opus products, it should become public in the next few weeks, there is around 100 products in total.

    There is a VST3 SDK that EW have access to and used, the NKS 1.6 SDK has been out for a few weeks, and has full VST3 support

  • Edenorchestra
    Edenorchestra Member Posts: 27 Member

    Thanks Jeremy

  • Fiddleman
    Fiddleman Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks for the update, Jeremy! Looking forward to it!

  • ebber
    ebber Member Posts: 11 Member

    I just found out running the latest Opus 1.3.7 in Komplete Kontrol (Native under Apple Silicon) gives me working light guide for EW Symphonic Orchestra :)

    however only when I load Opus in KK manually and choose the presets inside of Opus.

    The NKS presets still bring up the "EW Symphonic Orchestra Strings could not be loaded, as it may not yet support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration."

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited May 2023

    Yes that’s to be expected - the plugin itself is compatible with Apple Silicon but it’s not yet able to migrate NKS made with the VST2 to VST3

  • Asteny
    Asteny Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited June 2023

    Hello !

    I have just bought the NI KK S61 and wonder if Hollywood OPUS is now compatible with it, as we're now in june 2023 and people can fly with VR and you can get a piece of art with just one prompt to an AI :)

    It is a big deal as either i go full NI orchestral instruments, but i prefer going full East West because i prefer their sounds... I won't use my S61 just as a basic midi controller lol

    Thanks in advance for anyone giving any update about this big deal subject :)

  • Edenorchestra
    Edenorchestra Member Posts: 27 Member

    NI has been dragging this process out for over a year now . . same issue here . . its just a shame you market this whole NKS support issue to attract buyers, but don't come through, its so annoying, and lacks integrity and NI's image.

  • Edenorchestra
    Edenorchestra Member Posts: 27 Member
    Answer ✓

    I'm going to possibly eat crow, but I checked EW and it looks like NI approved their OPUS NKS support, loading it now. https://www.soundsonline.com/support/updates. scroll down to "NKS Support for Opus" and load the installer per your OS.

  • Griswold3
    Griswold3 Member Posts: 32 Member

    HOLY ******! I just figured let me see if anything has changed with my EastWest libraries and KK so I downloaded & ran the latest EastWest_NKS_Support_Opus. Man, this is a game-changer!

    I now have NKS functionality for every library I've tried so far Including previews inside of the Opus browser. There are preset mappings and it appears that light guides are working!

    I am using the S61 keyboard & it is such a joy to cycle through every library's presets & flag my favorites. No more crashes & no more errors loading EW libraries, even the older ones.

    Thanks to everyone involved who made this happen. I know there was an enormous amount of work involved.



  • Edenorchestra
    Edenorchestra Member Posts: 27 Member

    Just a follow up, loaded the new NKS support and OPUS works like a charm inside Komplete Kontrol. You do loose the PLAY functionality, but no love lost there.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    when I run the NKS Support software, it totally clears out my existing NKS thumbnails and even resets my Komplete Kontrol 3rd party library locations. happened twice. super annoying to then have to delete the folders and let it rebuild itself (which takes like an hour each time).

    anyone else? opened a ticket with EastWest.

    wish we could even just have access to the files and put them in the right directories ourselves.

This discussion has been closed.
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