Battery for dummies - how / where to save Kits / Presets / formats

cliff turner
cliff turner Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

Confused with user presets / kits in battery .

in logic ,when I go to my user presets , they're listed there , but when I load them they're empty . I have moved my content to an external Lacie Rugged and have probably just stuffed something up . I don't think Ive lost the files , just in the wrong place .

Also what's the difference between a Kit and a Preset. I like having access at the top left drop down menu so ideally want to access things there .

Is a .nbkt a kit file and an .aupreset a kit file .

Somewhere along the line I created sample folders but not sure if they're meant to go with the .nbkt or .aupreset .

I'm in logic ( latest ) with a one year old iMac . Just upgraded to Monterey but had the same problem with Big Sur.

Any help appreciated



Best Answer

  • cliff turner
    cliff turner Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Kaiwan

    Ok so deleting the Factory Library and the Battery file in Applications support and reinstalling the Factory Library direct onto my SSD has fixed the issue.

    I was then left with a problem that when I saved a preset , it was saving empty .

    Ended up closing everything , deleting all the presets and when I saved at this stage , it was ok .




  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited February 2022

    Hey @cliff turner, you might want to have a look at this guide we made for Battery ➡️

    It should answer most of your questions 🙌

  • cliff turner
    cliff turner Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thanks for that Nico .

    It answered questions ( which is always useful ) but not the ones I wanted . My previous created presets and kits aren't linking up properly . I spent a l to of time creating them , so I'd like not to do the whole process again.

    Looking in my system my user presets are save in username/Library/Audio/presets/Native instruments / Battery 4 as .aupreset files .

    My kits are save in two places , in the above folder as well as username / documents / native instruments / Battery 4 / Kits as .nbkt files with an adjacent Sample folder .

    On logic when I go to load up my user presets ( top left drop down menu ) I get my list , but when I click on them , nothin loads into battery .

    Is preset just a link to an existing Kit or is it a complete kit in itself ?

    Outside the .aupreset , do I need the

    When I go to library to import my kit folder , it briefly shows a list of all of the kits in the folder , but then only loads some of them . Is their a naming convention to the kits that could be causing this .

    While I can probably reload all. the kits individually , I don't wan to find I've made some basic mistake that means further down the line I've got to do the same thing again . At the moment with some of my logic templates which have seperate tracks with a Batter " kick " kit , each time I load up , it keeps showing missing samples which I thought I'd resaved . I'm not an IT guru , but not a total newbie.

    Once I've resurrected all my kits/ presets , I'll save everything as monoliths and hopefully that helps clarify things in the future .



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @cliff turner Saw that you raised a support ticket. Keep us updated on how it goes.

  • cliff turner
    cliff turner Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
    edited February 2022

    So far no joy . Gone over some things . Gave all NI apps full disk access . All files shared . Only one user .

    The main thing I'm trying to solve is why It only loads up some kits in my user folder to the Browser Library . As I mentioned. before , when I click rescan , it briefly shows all the kits , but when it finishes , only a handful are visible .

    I can load kits via the drop down / File / open kit and just realised that I CAN load them when I go to the browser menu / Files , rather than Browser/ Library , which is where I've always looked before .



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @cliff turner Another user also ran into issues after moving content to an external drive and looks like they fixed it by deleting a Factory Folder in a Shared user folder. Maybe worth giving it a shot?

    Check it out here: Battery 4 Factory Library on external drive

  • cliff turner
    cliff turner Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Kaiwan

    Ok so deleting the Factory Library and the Battery file in Applications support and reinstalling the Factory Library direct onto my SSD has fixed the issue.

    I was then left with a problem that when I saved a preset , it was saving empty .

    Ended up closing everything , deleting all the presets and when I saved at this stage , it was ok .



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