[Giveaway] What did you score this Cyber Season?



  • manuel alexandre
    manuel alexandre Member Posts: 2 Member

    One year waiting for kontakt (now 7) and still can´t get enough.

  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    I purchased The Mouth. I have recently been working on the idea of voice manipulation on some of the Rock/Metal songs I am creating. I have only discovered how good NI products are quite recently and plan to expand my collection. I wish I had been aware of the Cyber Season event a few weeks ago, as I would have saved a lot of money on products I have purchased recently. My bad though :). I work full time but spend most of my free hours trying to create. It is mostly a hobby with Me but I love creating original material. I have played in a covers Band recently but did not enjoy it, as I get no benefit from copying other artists songs.I am at an age where I expect nothing from it but get great satisfaction from my ideas and am learning all the time.🤟

  • Derek N
    Derek N Member Posts: 13 Member

    I usually just buy the Komplete ultimate/collectors addition, not the individual plugins, because it’s usually the best deal.

  • Robin Necron
    Robin Necron Member Posts: 3 Member

    last year i updated gr and reaktor both to 6.

    i hoped to update my trk play to trk full this year but no luck...so none of my money goes in your pockets this year.

  • Milkster
    Milkster Member Posts: 4 Member

    I only picked up an expansion this sale. - Motherboard. As it came highly recommended by friends. Would loved to have got the Pharlight, Straylight and Ashlight synths this year but trying to cut down on purchases to save for Xmas!!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Still waiting for Kontakt 7 upgrades to become -50% off.. Maybe next year?

    All I want from NI are Kontakt, Reaktor, Traktor and Maschine. And I already have all of this aside from Kontakt 7.. so not sure I'll end up buying anything. I'm drowning in samples/sound content as it is, no need for more, ever...

  • __DREW__
    __DREW__ Member Posts: 3 Member

    Waiting on Komplete 14 CE to go on sale. Ahhh, next year will be sweet.

  • T-O
    T-O Member Posts: 8 Member

    I just got Neoverb (not from NI store though, but same price) - it's fantastic and an absolute steal for 30EUR! 🤩😍

  • stay_treu
    stay_treu Member Posts: 3 Member

    the ability to download/repair legacy software from the NI Access App (If it's already been registered to an acct) the only reasons why I mention this is I remember receiving certain products that were either promo or bundled when I bought my Maschine mk2, since updating my computer (rip to the disc drive) I haven't been able to find a solution.

    Since then I've usually just waited to get Komplete when the updates/upgrades are available...thinking of grabbing playbox or piano colours during this cyber sale - if I don't upgrade this year

  • OutofWAC
    OutofWAC Member Posts: 4 Member

    I grabbed Lores for 1/2 off. I am pretty excited to see what we'll come p with together!

  • YoungJae
    YoungJae Member Posts: 6 Member

    I bought Free Form expansion and Session Guitarist - Electric Vintage. They're both great but Electric Vintage sounds AMAZING! I finally have a guitar plugin that sounds like the real thing.

  • chuhks
    chuhks Member Posts: 4 Member

    "the problem is that browsing the site shows me every product. I really only want to see the products I don't yet have"

    I agree with that. Other than that, I look forward to getting some more new expansion packs to add to my library! I really look forward to using Satin Looks.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    I got the Neoverb. I'm already familiar with the EA reverbs and they are really good for short spaces. Neoverb adds a way to simply automate going from short to long reverbs by morphing through reverb types. Then the pre/post EQ adjustment is useful too. No gimmicks just good tools to get great results faster.

  • btonebeatz
    btonebeatz Member Posts: 2 Member

    I picked up that Piano Colors. What a great sound it has. Ine of the best Kontakt Piano library out there.

  • Jon Morin
    Jon Morin Member Posts: 1 Member

    Just picked up Prime Bass. Man, is this ever going to increase my productivity. Have just started playing around with it but I already can see how useful it will be. My real bass guitar is kinda, um, basic, and it takes me a while to come up with interesting bass lines usually. I can see this being a game changer for me on a regular, uh, basis. Sounds wicked awesome. I may actually pick up Playbox as well.

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