Modwheel Full Range

SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

The modwheel on the S61 Mk2 doesn't seem to ever reach the ends in the KK plugin.

There is still a half inch of play on the keyboard when the KK software has reached the end of the range. Happens on both sides; top and bottom. Attached are pics I took exactly when the software reaches the end of the range of motion. But the hardware wheel still has some ways to go before hitting the stop. So after the software has hit the end, my finger can keep turning the wheel that respective direction with nothing happening. It's brutal. Is there a fix?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Are you still able to reach the maximum or minimum on the software side, 0 to 127? It looks like a hardware issue anyway so you'd better get in touch with our hardware department:

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper
    edited October 2022

    It would be good if someone else could confirm if this happens to them too.


    Yes the software side reaches the ends. The hardware isn't at the end yet when the software reaches the ends.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Also I noticed the modwheel or touchstrip wasn't linked to their KK plugin counterparts by default. I had to research on how to link them up. And the pitchbend knob actually moves both the FL Studio pitch bend and the KK pitch bend at the same time. Which is no good when each preset has a dedicated pitch bend range for that particular instrument. As you see in the pic it was set at +1 -7 by the preset author.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I forgot if it's still under warranty; it's been around a year. Would be hesitant to send it to Germany just for this. I still have the bad C0 key on the end of the keybed that they "fixed" too. But was hoping there is a modwheel software range modifier somewhere, or a simple fix like that.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Also I noticed the modwheel or touchstrip wasn't linked to their KK plugin counterparts by default. I had to research on how to link them up. And the pitchbend knob actually moves both the FL Studio pitch bend and the KK pitch bend at the same time.

    Could you explain that in more details?

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I boot up KK in FLS and moving the touchstrip or modwheel and nothing was happening.

    Maybe this was just for the Super 8 plugin; dunno (I've noticed plugins like Razor don't have any section for the modwheel or touchstrip, so there's no way to tell). Some presets in some plugins seem to have them linked up as macroes to chosen knobs and some don't. I wish there was a KK master section with these things in it instead of being random/per plugin.

    I went into the KK standalone MIDI mode and set up my foot pedals by the NI instructions. Even though I have my expression pedal set up to channel 1, CC#11, I linked my it to the (Super 8) touchstrip, using the FLS 'link to controller' method. Have the hardware touchstrip linked to the Fruity Vol wrapper knob. Any other plugin that I can't see a modwheel or touchstrip on screen, FLS still identifies it as linked up when moving it.

    My reason is whatever the preset designer in any particular plugin decided to use the touchstrip for, I can use it hands free with my pedal with both hands still on the keybed; the pedal moves the software touchstrip. Most uses are filters or mods that are good to tweak in realtime.

    Lots of different sounds have various volume levels so I can quickly adjust the volume output of KK with the hardware touchstrip. I don't need to worry about having to lose my left hand playing to do it.

    The Super 8 Pitchbend wheel range is customized per preset. But the FLS pitchbend is static. I usually set it to 12 semitones (sending at channel 1 CC#2). So when using the pitch bend knob, (both pitchbend knobs animate, showing they are both moving) it always bends to 12 semitones at max (FLS hintbar tells me how far it bent), disregarding what the Super 8 software is set as. I can't tell if there's a conflict; it doesn't sound like it. I'm not sure if it's an issue; just an observation.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod
    edited November 2022

    Ok, so this is only an issue with the keyboard within FL Studio. Given your other issues with the keyboard in FL Studio, I'd recommend resettinbg FL Studio to default settings.

    When in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, everything is working normally, correct? Then it's only the physical modwheel that doesn't go to zero, right?

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    In the KK standalone all the issues I have been reporting are present (was mentioning I'm using KK in FLS just in case it's a variable to consider).

    The modwheel: Every plugin I've used (that you can see a modwheel graphic in the plugin) stops at its ends before the hardware modwheel stops at its ends. There is a good amount of dead movement on the edges. About CC values 0 - 10 and 117 - 127; around there. I've just tried it on several NI and third party plugins. The hardware wheel is never the same range as its software counterpart.

    The pitch bend: In most plugins I have no idea how far the note is bending as it doesn't say. Neither do I have control over the amount of bend. That is just a complaint, not really a bug I guess.

    The touchstrip: Few plugins actually utilize the touchstrip. Guess I could do a MIDI learn per plugin and manually choose a good target for it (This is also why I use it for volume in FLS).

    Also I wish the lightguide colours would be themed per plugin. Analog Dreams is purple, Monark is brown, Super 8 is orange, etc. but the keybed is always... blue.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Ok, then, as I said before, for the modwheel, it's an hardware issue and you should get in touch with my colleagues.

    For the lightguide colours, that's pretty weird. You are using the Komplete Kontrol plug-in, right, not Kontakt ?

    Colour is always blue even with the Komplete Kontrol standalone application. If it's the case also mention this when contacting my colleagues.

  • rickert119
    rickert119 Member Posts: 12 Member

    hardware support isnt helpfull either... they just tell you to send it over and spend 100 bucks, for them to take a look. (not claiming you will have a working modwheel afterwards..) which is kinda lame.

    i have this exact same issue and the modwheel is still working! but its missing a bit on the bottom and top range. it still reads 1 to 127 but not in the correct range. it just needs some sort or calibration i guess. but ofcourse thats something you cant do within KK software. only external pedals can be calibrated.

    support isnt really helpfull with this,cause hardware support doesnt tell you how to fix it. they just want to replace the whole board.. which isnt needed cause the wheel still works.

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