Kontakat Factory Library 2 not enough space error

Lewis Keys
Lewis Keys Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I'm having trouble downloading Kontakat Factory Library 2 to my external drive. I have pently of space on my drive but it's still stay I need 24.97 GB and I got half 1 1/2 TB left on the drive. It's weird, can somebody help me out on this situation

. Thanks



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,887 admin

    Hi @Lewis Keys can you try setting the download folder and the content location folder to separate folders on your external drive and let us know if that helps?

    Also please see this article just in case: Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

  • sargsaft
    sargsaft Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Same issues here got plenty of space on main hd or external... whatever I do it says it needs extra space... can we download the library 2 from an external source please... not within NI Access

  • B4Time
    B4Time Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same problem. Ssd has 130gb free but factory library 2 says not enough space. When i try to locate it, tells the path is invalid but it is the same path as all my installed libs. If i try to change location it gives the same invalid path message. This is a mess NI!

  • racunars
    racunars Member Posts: 10 Member

    I had the same problem and the solution was to put the download folder on a separate drive with plenty of space. Keep the content folder unchanged.

    (In my case, I guess the error is somewhat related with a bug so that the Komplete 14 Standard install requires the 260GB GB for complete install).

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,187 mod
    edited June 2023

    It’s not a bug at all, if you are downloading a large installer or group of them they will need at least twice the amount of space during the install process to extract the files (which are usually compressed) and move them into place so if you are downloading onto the same drive you are installing to it will eat a lot more than the projected final amount. That’s why it’s best to setup the downloads on another drive.

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