Kontakt 7 player opens black window

DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 22 in Kontakt

Hi. Just installed Kontakt 7 player and when I open it the main window is black and doesn't shown anything.

So what have I don't so far?

Firstly, I found the article that states that you have to open the options tab and then make sure all the libraries are selected. Done that and they were already selected.

Secondly, I found the article that states your Direct3D DDI driver is at least version 11.1 which it is.

Finally, there was an article that stated that your library items might (just might) switch to demo mode from full mode so I checked that and they're all set to full mode.

So I'm stumped. Any ideas from the community please?



Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,848 mod
    Answer โœ“

    @DavPeMa Yes, you're right. Kontakt 7 was released only a couple of weeks ago. The black screen issue was already a known issue with older graphic cards that didn't have Direct X 3D 11.1, but we found out that it needed Feature Levels 11.0 or it would not work, this is why this information was added in the article that @Monochrome shared. KONTAKT 7 Opens with a Black Window

    Looking at your screenshot, it seems that your graphic card doesn't have Features for 11.0:

    Sure, it's not the best journey ever. And yes, you shouldn't have to do a cmd file either, but if this information can help some users to make it work until a better solution or a fix is found, it's worth to share. I already forwarded your comments regarding the installer.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,839 mod


    pressing the F1 to F4 key changes nothing? Can you make a picture?

  • DavPeMa
    DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Uwe

    Thanks for answering. Pressing F1 to F4 does nothing I'm afraid. I'm a newbie so if you could let me know what you think it should do that would be really useful as well.

    Screenshots below.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,839 mod

    F1 to F4 switch on some stuff like the virtual keyboard, browser, and the master section but your window is really totally empty except the upper file and help button. So i guess it is no problem with libraries, i think it's a graphics card/driver problem. Can you pls add your system specs, i guess you use windows?

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,316 Expert
  • JoergB
    JoergB Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same problem here on a Lenovo W520 with NVIDIA 2000M / Intel graphics card running Windows 10. DirectX Version is 12, NVIDIA Driver is 390.65. OpenGL version (according to OpenGL Extensions Viewer) is 4.6. So to me it looks like the official system requirements are fulfilled. The .cmd file trick didn't work for me.

    I just opened a ticket with support, let's see what they tell me...

  • DavPeMa
    DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Uwe

    This is my system spec.

    Graphics is Directx3D v11.1 which should apparently be OK.

    I realise it's not a new machine and if it's not going to work I don't have a massive problem with that but would like to understand why though.

    To Monochrome. Thanks for the suggestion and I don't what to sound ungrateful, but I'm not a computer programmer and shouldn't be expected to be one. I've no idea how to create a .cmd file (whatever that is).



  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,316 Expert
    edited October 2022

    Hi David,

    to make a .cmd file, open up Notepad and paste in the code from bob, then save it with .cmd as extension (make sure that "Save as type" is set to "All files"). This will start Kontakt with OpenGL instead of DirectX. I've attached a premade one to my post below.

    I get what you mean, though...

    Does dxdiag show that your card supports Feature Level 11_1?

  • NC17z
    NC17z Member Posts: 20 Member

    I ran the .cmd file and it worked however, I primarily use Maschine as my DAW and it still will open with a blank black screen. If I'm not mistaken, isn't there a way to include a commands within a shortcut prior to opening a standalone application in windows? What a bummer, was really looking forward to this update.

  • Chudiz
    Chudiz Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited October 2022

    Really need this solution too.

  • DavPeMa
    DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2022

    Hi Monochrome

    Thanks for the file. Afraid that didn't work. Kontakt loaded but then came up with a "failed to initialise graphcs backend for opengl" message and yes dxdiag shows 11.1.

    Guess it's waiting for JoergB's support ticket to be answered. That's fine. I'm not in any rush really just wanted to see what the new version actually gives.

    Thanks again


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,848 mod

    Does dxdiag show the feature level ? Can you share a screenshot of the dxdiag diagnostic tool ?

  • DavPeMa
    DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Jeremy_NI

    Here you go.

    But I guess just a further customer service point of view point to be made as your profile states you're customer care I assume you work for NI. You've mentioned feature levels. Nothing I've seen has mentioned that until now. But realistically, as the information is available to the dxdiag tool then I would expect that information to be available to the installer which should find that stuff out and then tell me that the software isn't compatible rather than just installing and not working. Same with the other comments about making a .cmd file. None of that should be necessary. It should either install and work or tell me my hardware/software isn't up to it. I don't mind being told that, especially with an older machine. If that is the problem then I shouldn't have to go through all this aggro to find that out.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,848 mod
    Answer โœ“

    @DavPeMa Yes, you're right. Kontakt 7 was released only a couple of weeks ago. The black screen issue was already a known issue with older graphic cards that didn't have Direct X 3D 11.1, but we found out that it needed Feature Levels 11.0 or it would not work, this is why this information was added in the article that @Monochrome shared. KONTAKT 7 Opens with a Black Window

    Looking at your screenshot, it seems that your graphic card doesn't have Features for 11.0:

    Sure, it's not the best journey ever. And yes, you shouldn't have to do a cmd file either, but if this information can help some users to make it work until a better solution or a fix is found, it's worth to share. I already forwarded your comments regarding the installer.

  • DavPeMa
    DavPeMa Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Jeremy_NI

    I obviously missed that so thanks for the clarification. I guess it's not going to work for me then until I finally get around to upgrading.

    Thanks again.


  • Browley
    Browley Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If people are still stuck then try this it worked for me

    Use the command method the person up above mentioned however instead of using the plugin location use your daw and run the command always as administrator, it worked for fruity loops, hope it helps you with your daw

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