User presets in Massive X 1.4x new browser

Philippe Member Posts: 67 Helper
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

What's happening with pre-1.4 User presets/banks after updating to 1.4.1 ? I can see presets/banks in KK, but not in the new MX browser. Obviously looking at User content in new MX Browser. When I click in Show User Content Folder in MX menu, the correct folder is open in Finder, I see the presets...Same extension...Did some Rescans

When I load one thru KK browser, no problem. 

I see there is now a new Presets folder in User Content/Massive X/ But I tried to move presets there and rescan, no success. I'm running out of ideas, anyone, any clue ? 

in PS : I saw in KB a possible KK database reset possibility. As I’m often cautious about doing this kind of thing, did someone try it ?




  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 67 Helper

    OK, nobody knows ?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,217 mod
    edited August 2022

    See screenshot - toggle is in the search bar on the right

  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 67 Helper
    edited August 2022

    Thanks Kymeia, yes I know the User icon for sure. OK, I understand now what happened. So my banks appear in KK browser and have special thumbnails, I used special tags, notably for the Vendor. It worked then, but not anymore. I lost a lot of time on this issue, as I first completely forgot I did tag this way, quite a while ago :-)

  • sdezutter
    sdezutter Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Recently, I have same problem here. I can still save own presets in Massive X. After saving I see the preset files showing up in Finder (I use a macbook). But they don't show in Massive X browser. Rescanning doesn't help (yes, I clicked on the user presets toggle). Also in the Komplete Kontrol browser they do not appear. The user presets I saved before however still show in the Massive X and Komplete Kontrol browsers.

    Maybe the cause is the tagging, however in the past I only used the standard tags available in Massive X. The newly saved user presets don't show, so I haven't tagged these yet.

    Any ideas what could be the solution?

  • sdezutter
    sdezutter Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    After some testing, I noticed that in some Logic Pro projects the problem occurs, and in other Logic Pro projects it doesn't. Maybe it is linked to the number of Massive X tracks in one project, or ...?

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2023

    I have the same problem.

    After storing the preset it appears in the User Content Folder (.nksf-files). But it is not shown in my Massive X's browser window (user content).

    I'm working on a Mac M1, Ventura. Latest version of Massive X 1.4.3 vst3. I tried this on several DAWs (Cubase 12, Ableton 11, Bitwig 5), everywhere the same. Even after Rescanning Content.

    Massive X is installed here: HD / Applications / Native Instruments / Massive X

    My User Content Folder is here: HD / Users / my name / Documents / Native Instruments / User Content / Massive X / Presets.

    I never installed the factory library. However, I downloaded some expansions, they are shown in the browser.

    Is anybody out there having experienced the same or found solutions meanwhile? Thank you all for any advice / support.

    Best, Lyhrus

    EDIT 1: Reinitialization of the MASSIVE X database did not change something to the better. (

    EDIT 2: I also tried Full Disc Access on MacOS as described here:

    No improvement.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2023

    EDIT 3: I uninstalled Massive X completely, as described here:

    After re-installing Massive X from scratch I stored a User Preset.

    Again the new preset appears in the User Content folder, but NOT in Massive X's browser. Even after rescanning.

    I'm always cautious talking of bugs, but in this case ... ??

    Again my specs:

    Mac OS Ventura 13.4.1, Cubase 12 / Ableton Live 11 / Bitwig 5

    Massive X 1.4.3+43 vst3

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,217 mod

    You definitely have the user icon selected as shown above?

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2023

    Thanks @Kymeia. Yes, of course. I wouldn't know any other way (within the browser) to get into the user content. I attached a screenshot showing the folder with my user content (just one preset) and the browser with opened user content (no preset).

    Meanwhile, I contacted the friendly NI support and will update this topic here as soon as I get any help from there. However, any suggestion / advice / support from you guys here in the community is very much appreciated.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member

    Would like to add that tagging (as suggested by you, sdezutter) is assumably not the problem here as I did not tag my preset.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2023

    Thanks, Kymeia. Yes, of course. I attached a screenshot showing my user content folder (one preset) and my empty browser (no preset).

    Meanwhile, I contacted the friendly NI-support and opened a ticket there. As soon as I get an advice / a solution I will update this topic here. However, any further suggestions from the community is very much appreciated.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member

    I did not get a note from NI so far, but since today things seem to have changed to the better.

    • When I now try to save a preset in an existing, formerly opened instance of Massive X (formerly means: until yesterday 5th July 2023), the problem remains the same.
    • When I open up a new instance of Massive X beside the older one or replacing it, tweak some knobs and store a new preset within that new instance, it works as expected and the new user preset appears in the user content folder, too.

    I tried this in Ableton Live and in Bitwig, both showed exactly the same (old and improved) behaviour. If this is true, it means (for everyone who struggles with the same issue), that you need to open up a new instance, make your tweakings and then store the preset.

    However, rescanning content still does not load formerly stored presets into the browser (although they are shown in the user content folder). You need to recreate every single user preset and store it anew.

    Conclusion: I'm quite baffled and began to doubt my vanity. But as there are other guys (see above) who had the same problem, it can't be a halluzination. However, now it seems to work. Hopefully it lasts.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member

    Dear folks, I'm sorry to say things remain strange – but I think, I could narrow down the problem.

    I stored the Bitwig-project (same to Ableton), shut down the Mac, restarted it, restarted the DAW.

    • Now the instances, that were new at the last time, become now older ones – with the same bad behaviour: they show new stored presets in the user content folder on my May, but not in the browser window of Massive X anymore.
    • When I now open up a new instance of Massive X, it works perfectly again, as it stores new presets in the folder and shows them in the browser window.
    • Moreover, the new stored presets are shown in the browser window of the older instances as well (when I rescan content there)

    Therefore, I'm pretty sure: there is a bug, an it has to do with new instances vs. older instances of Massive X in DAWs on a Mac 13.4.

    btw: I also tried AU-versions of Massive X, no change to the better.

  • Lyhrus
    Lyhrus Member Posts: 12 Member

    I got some messages from NI support. It actually seems to be a bug for some Mac users. They try to fix it with the next update.

    They sent me this workaround.

    "Can you please check the following and confirm that you are able to use the following workaround? 

    • Open Komplete Kontrol in your DAW
    • Load Massive X within KK
    • Create a patch in Massive X 
    • Save the patch in KK: 

    That worked for me!

  • abnegative
    abnegative Member Posts: 61 Helper

    You're 100% correct.

    I'm experiencing this issue on Windows 10.

    The problem appears to be some sort of "state" bug with Massive X.

    In my use case, I save Massive X in an initial state as a track template in Reaper, and the issue occurs when I open Massive X from my template. This detail does not matter. What matters is the fact that I am saving and recalling a state. When Massive X is recalled from a saved state, it exhibits this issue where you can save a preset but then you cannot open it later.

    I've noticed that if you first open an existing preset then proceed to edit and save your preset, you will not have this issue. Somehow opening a preset puts Massive X in a happy state. I've also noticed that if you are about to save a preset and the "Author" field is blank, you will run into this problem. If the "Author" field is not empty you won't have this issue (even if you edit it).

    I hope when this issue gets fixed in 2049 I'm able to hear the presets I made.

This discussion has been closed.
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