Drum libraries for things like intros, cymbal rolls, atmospherics?

bhuether1 Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


I am starting to notice that most drum libraries seem to lack what I consider a very important element: suitable sounds/loops for the sort of looser, rubato drumming that you see in intros, interludes, etc. Be it cymbal rolls, etc. So not 2 or 4 bar pattern with kick/snare groove, just a 2, 4 bar free time sort of thing that is great for building up to a song's start. I usually hand program such parts, but trying to see if there is anything out there via libraries.

So I was wondering if anyone can recommend something, be it in Studio Drummer, Battery 4, or whatever.





  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,911 admin

    Maybe Percussion from Symphony Series will do? What do you think?

  • Tigersharc
    Tigersharc Member Posts: 74 Helper

    Seems like the drum patterns from these newer drum series for kontakt might work. Maybe take the intro pattern loops and edit the midi to suit your needs and then create additional patterns on another pattern/track.

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