StruppiAtze89 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hallo an alle. Ich habe mir eine S4 MK3 zugelegt ( gebraucht ohne Software ).

Jetzt möchte ich meine altre S4 HW verkaufen. Damals gab es das Traktor pro 2 zu dieser Konsole dazu. Danach gab es kostenfrei das update auf Pro 3. Jetzt steht bei Native Access jedoch Pro 3 UPDATE. Kann ich die Lizenz für das Pro 2 mit der Konsole verkaufen oder ist die 3er Lizenz an die 2er gekoppelt?

Ich danke im voraus für die Hilfe.

Liebe Grüße Robert


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 820 Expert
    edited March 26


    please translate your post to English as this community is English only.

    Please read the following support site:

    Buying or Selling second hand

    If you sell a hardware/software bundle you only need to unregister and transfer the hardware itself. The buyer gets own licenses with the transfer ID. It will be the same software bundle which came with your hardware originally. In some cases the buyer may get newer versions. You keep your software licenses.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 820 Expert

    Are you looking in Native Access or on NI website in My products and serials? In Native Access none of my softwares is listed as update or upgrade. Just the product. On website I have listed:

    TRAKTOR SCRATCH CRG Qualifying Product


    TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO II Software Upgrade

    Traktor Pro 3 Update

    Traktor Pro 4 Update for HW

    All these Update/Upgrade licenses need their older product to stay valid and usable. Therefor it is important to just transfer the hardware. As stated above: The buyer will get own licenses if these were included with that product from start.

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