Kontakt [7] and Routing w Session Horns Pro Keyswitch

TAG Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

I have a question regarding the following problem with my system (Mac/Ableton): I've prepared ready-made clips for my system, where various instruments are already routed to the different audio tracks. This works very well so far.
Only one instrument is giving me a headache for the first time, which I have to set up. The Session Horns Pro have 10 brass instruments that I want to route to the various outputs in Kontakt 7. It works perfectly with SHP Performance and also as a multi-instrument in Kontakt. No problem so far, as I have some experience.
Only with the SHP keyswitch Kontakt does not react internally to the correct channels. They are all set correctly, as with SHP Performance, where it works smoothly, but everything is routed to output 1 (or whatever the overall output channel is) on the keyswitch instrument. There is no separation into the different channels within Kontakt. It is not clear to me why it does not work if the instruments are switched to the same channel within the entire package.
I have only found one enquiry on this topic on the net, but no answer, so I wanted to ask whether the problem is known and whether there is a solution or whether I have simply overlooked something.
Thank you very much,


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,435 mod


    have you tried the solo.nki's?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,435 mod

    I tried with cubase and created a multi with some instances of SHP keyswitch, and it all worked as expected. Every Instrument was only reacting to a certain midi channel, both notes and keyswitches. If i remember correctly it´s an ableton issue, in ableton midi notes have no midi channel ion the instrument track, like in any other daw. You can use some midi tracks, there you set the midi ch and then it all works, at least it did if i tried it with ableton 12 lite.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hello, Uwe,

    and thank you very much for your work and answer. In this case, it can't be Ableton. There are three options for the Session Horns: Keyswitch, Performance and Solo Instruments. For Solo Instruments, I built a multi-instrument with all 10 instruments and it works perfectly. I did the same with Performance. Works perfectly. All instruments output correctly via their assigned audio channels. But with Keyswitch all channels lead into output 1/2, internally already, in Kontakt, although they are routed correctly. Therefore in Ableton the cannot get the signal. The mixer in Kontakt already indicates that only 1/2 is receiving. The question is actually before it goes into Ableton: How is it that Kontakt does not take over the routing? And only for the keyswitch instrument and not for all the others that work correctly?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,435 mod

    Ok then I understood the problem wrong. But as I said, in my case, the output routing works as expected within ableton with the keyswitch instruments. I can try again but I don't think that changes anything. I unfortunately also have no idea what could possibly causing this.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    No problem. I'll keep at it. In the meantime, I'm thinking about reinstalling the instrument, because as a non-technician I can imagine that some path has seized up incorrectly. If I have a solution, I will report it back. Then we can shorten the work for other users. Thanks again!

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hello, Uwe. It works now. I have reinstalled, but it didn't work at first. It certainly wasn't due to the session horns. Then I reinstalled Kontakt. It didn't work either. So I did something in Kontakt, this famous coincidence, which I don't actually do: In the instrument tab, I switched to the next instrument with the right arrow. Suddenly, the performance instrument didn't work either. The reason was that the outputs had to be reassigned. So I went back again with the left arrow. Then I had to reassign the outputs to the Keyswitch Instrument in Kontakt that ever had shown done right - and voila! Strange, but now this coincidence has led to the desired result.

    Thanks a lot for contributing


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