Odd Sustain Issue - S88MK3

NIstruggler Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hello everyone.

I am having a very strange issue with my S88, I tried a bunch of sustain pedals and settled on the Roland DP-10.

I followed steps earlier to set it up with my S88. I got it worked by setting it to :

Mode : Continuous

Invert : Off

Swap : Tip

Type : Control Change

Channel : 1

Number : 64

From : 0

To : 127

With all of these settings it worked beautifully. Half damper was great, etc. I took a break, came back about an hour later nothing has changed but the sustain no longer works. This is a new S88 and a new DP-10, that worked as expected just an hour prior. I tried a good amount of troubleshooting such as : rebooting both the controller and computer, removing the controller from the Audio / Midi setup, switching to Midi 2.0, switched the DP-10 switch back and forth, I viewed all of this through midi monitor as well (Of which It shows no signal from the pedal) I've also tried different setting on the midi setup within the keyboard settings and nothing has helped.

I have it working as an on / off pedal by switching the controller setting to the standard sustain switch mode and that works perfectly, but I'd prefer to have it setup for half damper, etc.

Any idea? I cant imagine one of these broke, it almost feels like something else is occupying the Channe 1, 64 space and not allowing this send / receive signal.

Thanks any help would be greatly appreciated.

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