Kontakt: how to loop sample at BPM Sync? (ceiling it)

Nowhk Member Posts: 16 Member
edited March 10 in Kontakt


fancy question to you :)

Let say I need this setup in Kontakt:

Each keyboard Key a sound:

C5 kick

C#5 snare

G vocal


Each samples must loop until I release the Key.

They must stay in Sync ceiling to beat measure (so if kick it slower than a whole beat, restart "later", not immediately, stay in Sync, at a beat).

If vocal Is 2 beat and half, loop after the third beat (again, ceiling to beat).

And so on.

Is it possibile? How would you do this dragging sample on it?

No Stretch/no pitch up/down: just loop in-beat-grid. Also, if BPM increase, pitch stay the same, but will play in loop at different trigger freq (faster of course, preserving the pitch).


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