I can't configure my sustain pedal

Facci Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

Hi, there

Although I follow the instructions given by Brian on YT NI channel, I can’t find the page that would allow me to access my sustain pedal settings (it goes into ON mode as soon as I connect it).

Instead of arriving on this page (Picture 1), here is what I see (Picture 2).And when I press simultaneously "Shift+Browser, as requested, here is what affects the screen of my midi keyboard.

Any help or suggestion, please ?

Thanks a lot,



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited February 28

    Hey @Facci This video is outdated, there were changes in the last updates of the MK3. Sustain pedals are now set up in the Template edit section. We've updated our KB article: How to Configure Sustain / Expression Pedals on Kontrol Keyboards

    You can find more info HERE.

  • Facci
    Facci Member Posts: 9 Newcomer


    Indded, I can't reach the pedal page. I don't have access to the pedal page beyond the Picture 2 (my last message).

    Just one question : is it possible that the problem comes from the incompatibility of my sustain pedal, witch is a KAWAÏF-1r ?
    I mean : if I buy 1 of the 6 models you recommand, am I sure that it will resolve the problem.

    Will the keyboard recognize automatically 1 of these pedals and give me acess to the settings ?

    Thanks again,


  • nico5
    nico5 Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    edited February 28


    When you have arrived on the screen shown in your Picture-3.jpg, do the following to get to the Pedal section editing:

    • press the button labelled EDIT on the top row of 8 buttons
    • and on the next screen, use the two leftmost buttons on the top row to navigate back and forth between the various sections you can edit. The display (right under those two buttons) shows the currently selected section between little < and > symbols. This navigation should get you to one of the available sections:
      • Buttons & Knobs (this is what you may see by default, unless you've previously navigated to another section)
      • Pedals
      • Touchstrip & Wheels
      • Keyzones


    p.s. I think the user manual may not have been properly updated in the Pedals section to reflect the new way to get there (and the PDF manual looks partially messed up in my Firefox browser). Also: I don't work for NI, but I think they're off for the weekend, so that's why I've tried to answer your question.

    Let me know in this thread if you have additional questions. The different pedal options can be confusing unless one has a bit of experience with the various kinds of pedals in existence.

  • Facci
    Facci Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Hi, everyone !

    I CAN'T reach the pedal menu !!

    Which button must I press, please. None of those who are enlightened give me access.

    Is it just because my pedal is not an official one ??? (Kawaï F-1r)

    Thanks a lot,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited March 3

    You need to press SHIFT + BROWSER, select the MIDI template you want to edit, then press EDIT, then you will see the pedals, Sustain, Expression and Assign 1 & 2, navigate through them with the 4D knob (the knob with a blue circle around). You can then edit all the settings with the little left and right arrows underneath MIDI SETTINGS.

    Is that clearer?

    I had linked to this forum post, where you can see how it's done:

  • Facci
    Facci Member Posts: 9 Newcomer


    Thanks to the "edit" knob, I've been abble to access to the page "Pedals".

    Unfortunatly, moving the 4D knob (the knob with a blue circle around) doesn't allows me to confirm the change of parameters, or move to other pedals to the right.

    My settings are on "Switch Mode" and "Invert off". I should work, right? Well, It doesn't.

    Just tell me : does the problem come from my pedal (kawaï F-1r) witch is not one of the 6 official models you recommand on NI site ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Please try with Invert on, or if the pedal has a polarity switch, try to change the setting there.

  • Facci
    Facci Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I doesn't work. Sorry.

    Just tell me : does the problem come from my pedal (kawaï F-1r) witch is not one of the 6 official models you recommand on NI site ?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert
    edited March 3

    The Pedals listed for compatibility are "Expression Pedals" not sustain pedals. Expression pedals are a variable value pedal just like a rotary control so as to adjust volume/expression and the value of the control inside is what needs to be compatible with the attached keyboard as this can vary by model.

    Sustain pedals are nothing more than a switch (or 2 switches for half pedaling) on a wire so essentially, any sustain pedal will work in the same way.

    Looking at the model you posted, it seems it is just a sustain pedal, single switch (no dampener) so should be just a simple switch. Is it new or second hand/used? Have you tested if the contacts work with a multimeter or something just to be sure?

    May also help to post screenshots of what settings you have made for your pedal but bottom line, if your pedal is actually functioning it should work if configured correctly unless it has some strange non-standard wiring on the pins for some unknown reason.

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