my komplete kontrol do not manage my plugins



  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 4

    here are the screenshots of the Kontakt automations window and the controllers of my KK Keyboard, is it normal that it only starts from CC14 to CC29?

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member

    I also wanted to tell you that I have also tried many external controllers and nothing works either..I am specifically talking about dynamic controls, expression, vibratos etc...

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    edited March 1

    The pictures of the keyboard above look totally wrong, the keyboard has to be in native kontrol mode not in midi mode with the midi templates. So there must be an issue. Your version of komplete kontrol is correct, and you always should use it not kontakt alone (even if you could), it makes things much easier if it all works. I think we have to work out that your keyboard works with kk and the keyboard is in kontrol mode.

    But if you use kontakt stand alone as above on the pictures you have to go to the midi automation tab (right from host automation) then you can drag and drop (1 left click mouse and hold, drag to 2 and release left mouse button) the cc numbers (14 to 29 in that case) to the controls in the instrument to assign them. But as i said before i would not recommend it!!! Cause kk is made for that purpose and make things a lot easier.

    Maybe you can open komplete kontrol stand alone and open an instrument and make a picture what your keyboard is showing then.

    Another thing might be that you also have to give full disk access to the ntkdeamon not only kk and so on.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,082 Expert

    For Omnisphere you may find a pre-mapped browsable library easier to use if you don't have it already:

    As I mentioned above, if a control does not map (examples I gave were Kontakt and Omnisphere for instance) you first have to right-click the parameter (in the case of Omnisphere) and select "Enable Host Automation" then learn it. This is required with some plugins due to the number of parameters exceeding the limits of the VST3 automation limit.

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member

    Thank you very much for your help and patience. All this helped me a lot.

    I'm going to automate at noon because my KK doesn't work very well.. my window is blocked and I can't enlarge it .. maybe because my Keyboard is old and it causes compatibility problems?ésolution-des-problèmes-d-intégration-NI-dans-Logic-Pro-GarageBand

    I noticed on a site that my version of KK (2;9;6) was not compliant with Mac Ventura because it recommends version 2.8.0 (see attached screenshot). Whar do you think about this please ?

    And I still need you :-) At noon the automations work well on Kontakt but when I want to record a dynamic automation after recording the melody, it also activates the other controls.. I give you my example. The dynamic is set on the CC1 and the velocity on the CC14 but when I move my CC1 controller during recording, it also moves my CC14 controller.. do you know why please?

    Thank you very much

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    You have mapped cc1 and cc14 to the same parameter, so you have to delete one on cc14 if you just want to use cc1. You click in the table on cc14 and then unter the table you should be able to remove the binding.

    That could be the issue that your keyboard does not go into native control mode with komplete kontrol, if the version is not supported by your os, then you have to download and install an older compatible version so it then should work with kk as it's meant to work, not with midi CC's. You keyboard does not support native control mode for kontakt, so as I said above concentrate on getting your keyboard work with kk is the base for all stuff, then you don't have to worry about midi cc stuff and you'll have many more advantages. Even if you are now happy that some stuff works somehow, once you get the keyboard going correctly with kk you will be much much more happy.

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member

    Thank you when you say that I m’appelle on the same parameter . ok I will delete a Cc but then how to map on different parameters to be able to use them?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod

    I noticed on a site that my version of KK (2;9;6) was not compliant with Mac Ventura because it recommends version 2.8.0 (see attached screenshot). Whar do you think about this please ?

    That is not what it means , it means that 2.8.0 were the first (premiere) supported version, versions later than first is also supported. It is only if it says last supported version that the later versions are not supported.

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2


    Thank you when you say that I mappe on the same parameter . ok I will delete a Cc but then how to map on different parameters to be able to use them?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Christ Millois You should definitely the last version compatible for the Mk1 keyboards, which is 2.9.6, you can find the installer for this version here: Notes on Ending Software Support for Komplete Kontrol S-Series MK1 Keyboards

    With the Komplete Kontrol plug-in in Logic, writing automation should be possible, and this in Komplete Kontrol mode. Make sure that both Komplete Kontrol and Logic have full disk access: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    If you want to have automation with the Kontakt plug-in, then yes you need to use the MK1 keyboard in MIDI mode as there is no integration like with Komplete Kontrol.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    I would say, we start first with kk stand alone, can you please open it and tell us what the screens show, so they show the same as on your pictures, the midi template?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    You can simply drag and drop the CC's onto another parameter, but as I said let's work on getting kk to work in native control mode with the keyboard, then you will see and all will make sense (see post above)

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member


    I confirm that I have the KK 2.9.6 version from the beginning.

    But when I want to open KK in standalone or not it shows me a lot of messages like that that I have to close as I go.

    Then when KK finally opens this is what it displays on the screen and I can't enlarge this window... it's frozen

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    It seems that kk doesn't like those plugins or the os, I don't speak french, so you can try to remove the plugins from the vst folder and try again. You should find the plugins here:

    User/"your user name"/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST or something like that - we need to get kk running!!!

  • Christ Millois
    Christ Millois Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 5

    To return to noon piloting I don't understand when you say " You have mapped cc1 and cc14 to the same parameter, so you have to delete one on cc14 if you just want to use cc1. You click in the table on cc14 and then under the table you should be able to remove the binding." ?

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