How to enable transport controls in Logic from M32

TheCrowGarden Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I have an M32 which promises intuitive control over Logic Pro. Can't say that's been my experience. I have the M32 connected. The keys play notes. When I use an instance of Komplete Kontrol that works as well as it does in any other DAW. I can't get the transport controls to work at all though - no loop, no play/pause, metronome… these work out of the box with Ableton and Bitwig.

What do I need to do in Logic to get this working? The section 4.3.2 in the manual which purports to cover this is incorrect, there is no automatic configuration for advanced integration, there is no message stating "OSC app “KOMPLETE KONTROL M32” wants to connect to Logic Pro X" that appears. For my other DAWs there are step by step instruction on what to set things to but not for Logic. I have my M32 in Control Surface Group 1, I have tried setting the ins and outs to Komplete Kontrol M DAW and Komplete Kontrol M32 but it makes no difference either way.

Could someone tell me or direct me to the actual instructions for making this work? Thanks!

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