Enabling sustain pedal for piano plugins

ThousandSunSkyEva Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi all,

I'm currently trying to use The Grandeur piano plugin within my DAW (Propellerhead Reason 13). I'm trying to figure out how to create an automation lane that allows me to enable/disable the sustain pedal. Within the plugin as far as I can see there is no button/knob/slider to control the pedal, and thus I can't use any type of midi automation learn feature.

I don't have a physical pedal or midi controller, I'm just trying to make an automation lane in my DAW to control it but I simply cannot figure out how to do that. This isn't an issue I've run into before so I'm more or less completely new to this.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,813 mod

    Sustain is MIDI CC 64, so drawing an automation lane for this MIDI CC should do the trick. Pressed pedal would be 127 and released would be 0. I'm not that familiar with Reason but youy should find how to draw MIDI automation in the manual or on Propellerheads resources.

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