Different sound beteween Komlpete Mk2 sound and to clicking on Kontakts keyboard.

I just bought Session Nylon Picking Guitar and I found that is different sound when playing on Komlpete Mk2 keyboard, it sound more like a piano sound. When I clicking on Kontakts keyboard or play in the DAW it is much higher velocity and sharp guitar sound. I tested other kontakts software guitar and they sound the same which way I play. I have tested to change velocty setting in MK2.


  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    First.. no ofense intended but please try to be a descriptive as you can when asking for help. It will help people such as myself who take an interest in this to understand the issue. I assume you're talking about Session Guitarist picked nylon? (awesome insturment btw!).

    Here's the thing.. how are you playing your Komplete Mk2? Are you using a DAW, if so: which one?

    I checked, Nylon isn't in my library so I can't really comment but… you say Mk2 sounds different: what was your original source?

  • Claes-Åke Schlönzig
    Claes-Åke Schlönzig Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hi It is a different between playing MK2 keyboard and clicking on Kontakts keyboard or play in Logic pro.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    If you record the part using the keyboard then look at the MIDI notes what are the note velocities? It might be they're not high enough to produce the sharper sounds even after you've changed the settings.

  • Claes-Åke Schlönzig
    Claes-Åke Schlönzig Member Posts: 13 Member

    When I play without recording on MK2 and I have Session Guitarist picked nylon loading the sound is very soft, no matter how hard I play. If I instead click on the Kontakt keyboard I got a skarpt and distinct sound. I got this skarpt and distinct sound when I recording in to Logic also. I want to have that when I play on MK2 also. I hope You undertand what I am saying.

  • Claes-Åke Schlönzig
    Claes-Åke Schlönzig Member Posts: 13 Member

    Today when open the song I am working on. The sound have now the same velocity so it must been something wrong in that specific session.

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