Kontakt 8 Sample libraries not loading/Fatal Error Crash

Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited February 23 in Kontakt

I have tried all the usual methods of reconnecting the libraries, dB reinitialised etc. Native Access is not showing any folders in need of repair and everything is pointing at the correct folder(s).

But when I open Kontakt 8 standalone and check my libraries folder none of them are visible. (also when run as a plug-in on Maschine 3) So…not a thing.

When I get the missing file pop up and find the missing file, click on it and reload it….

…it is still not loading. I have tried all the recommended methods - reinstalls of databases and applications.

Am I missing something here? It occurred after downloading some updates this morning…so I'm getting pretty frustrated now.

Since the Maschine 3 update I've had a number of annoying bugs. The interface keeps freezing and a lot of crashes. Is anybody else having problems. My computer has a reasonable spec and I'm not doing symphony arrangements. So that's an issue too. An answer from #techsupport would be welcome.


Mark s.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Markx It seems you are already in contact with our support. even though we help users on the forum it's not a substitute to support. So please continue troubleshooting with my colleague, there is not much more we can do here.


  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Ps. I have the debug file. Don't know if it's worh posting here.

  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    When I manage to load instruments (that don't respong to input) they are in demo mode and

    the artwork is not being loaded in properly.

  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Hi Antoine,

    Support Ticket: #4489016

    The instruments not loading correctly. It appears not to be recognising any of the the library files on an external disk - I have a 360 subscription. The directories are all pointed to correctly in Native Access and there are no repair messages. They all appear in the Kontakt library browser window but load with no graphics or a demo sign, or load but no sound. It's very erratic. I've included the debug script seperately.

    I have reintialised the komplete databases as suggested, reinstalled Kontakt 8 - full version purchased only a few weeks ago.

    Thanks for getting back quickly.


  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    PS. The softsynths (even Polyplex using I use maschine as my DAW a sample pool) work in Maschine. The plugins are all functioning. I use Maschine as my DAW.

  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    oops! - (even Polyplex using a sample pool works). I have checked the Maschine internal sampler with Leap files. They also work.

  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Hi Antoine

    Ticket : Kontakt Instruments not loading correctly. A

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod

    Ps. I have the debug file. Don't know if it's worh posting here.

    Debug files are usually not directly readable by text viewers. What might help is if you upload the Event Viewer info related to the crash :

    You can check the Windows Event Viewer, there ought to be a log for the Kontakt app crash ,

    see here for how to use Event Viewer. To access Event Viewer select the keyboard shortcut Win+R, type eventvwr.msc and press the ENTER key.

  • Markx
    Markx Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thanks for the reply PoorFellow.

    I had a bit of a look around in the Event Viewer. I took some screen shots of the errors relating to NI. Doesn't mean anything to me so hope it mens something to you. I'm back in touch with tech support, out of office for a few days. So hopefully I'll get the issue solved…eventually.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod

    Sorry for not responding sooner but you did not not use the 'quote' below my post and neither did you use the @Markx like I just did with your user name , both would have alerted me.

    I am sorry but I have to say that I am not entirely sure of what is the exact chain of events. Your appear to both have an issue with both the NIHostIntegrationAgent as well as with Maschiine or Maschine scan crashing.

    @Jeremy_NI , could you please give a comment or liaise by filling out the blanks where needed ? (support-Markx)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Markx It seems you are already in contact with our support. even though we help users on the forum it's not a substitute to support. So please continue troubleshooting with my colleague, there is not much more we can do here.

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