Reload Problem with Saved Cubase9 Project using Kontakt8

Niktoman Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Using Win10 22H2 Pro and Cubase9 with the latest Kontakt8 and an instrument loaded from Vintage Organs works just fine. After saving the Cubase9 Project and then reloading it later, I find the instrument is still there, everything looks good with the Kontakt8 GUI except the instrument won't trigger from the MIDI track or my MIDI keyboard or my computer keyboard. I have to double-click the instrument to get it to trigger and then it triggers fine from all these sources. It doesn't reload into Kontakt8 because it appears to already be loaded. The plugin should save and reload in the project with MIDI source enabled but something is wrong. This is more of a nuisance but I'd like to fix it before using multiple tracks with Kontakt8. This problem does not happen with Battery4 kits or other plugins loading instruments like Trillion. Any ideas?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Is it happening with any other Kontakt library, instrument or preset? Can you check the following?

    Cubase can sometimes suspend inactive plugins.

    • Open Cubase > Studio > Studio Setup > VST Audio System:
    • If "Activate Steinberg Audio Power Scheme" is enabled, disable it.
    • In Cubase > Preferences > VST:
    • Disable “Suspend VST3 Plugin Processing when no signal is received”.
  • Niktoman
    Niktoman Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you for your response. The problem happens with different instruments within Vintage Organs. The same is true with Scarbee Rickenbacker and India. However, the problem never happens with Grandeur.

    With Cubase9, I am unable to find the Activate Steinberg Audio Power Scheme option. I did find the Suspend VST3 Plugin Processing when no signal is received option and changed it but this made no difference.

    Since this problem is not ringing any bells AND Kontakt8 is fairly new with Cubase9 being fairly mature, should I try an older Kontakt version. If so, which version?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Sorry, I didn't have a Cubase 9 licence to test beforehand. I forgot to ask if Cubase and Kontakt are running as administrator: How to Run a Program as an Administrator

    I'm not sure a previous version would help in that matter but it's worth a try. It's true that Cubase 9 was discontinued a few years ago already.

    Here is KONTAKT 7.10.7 and KONTAKT 6.8.0

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