4D Encoder + Logic LPX: inconsistent shuttle behaviour?

Tom Auger
Tom Auger Member Posts: 62 Helper

Can anyone shed some light on something I've just started experiencing - maybe I just never noticed it before.

In Logic Pro X when I start and stop the playhead using the KK S88 transport controls, the 4D encoder works beautifully as a shuttle control, with each "notch" corresponding to exactly 1 bar - so you can use it effectively to shuttle through your composition without touching the mouse. Awesome.

But sometimes, I have to start/stop using the keyboard (Space or SHIFT+Space depending on what I need it to do). When that happens, sometimes the 4D encoder only now jogs forward/backward by 1/16 note per "notch" and I believe also plays the note under the cursor, so acts a s a very fine-grained scrub wheel. Also cool, but not usually what I want.

Does anyone know what dictates this change in behaviour and what I could do to remedy it?

Typically, playing and then stopping via the KK transport buttons switches me back to shuttle mode. I sure would love to find another way to control this dual behaviour.

Does anyone know where this could be found?

Thanks in advance!



  • Tom Auger
    Tom Auger Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Oop - just a quick note that I do NOT have "Jog resolution depends on horizontal zoom" active currently under Settings > General, although that sounds cool.

    I opened up Controller Assignments and while I do see some assignments for Shuttle control, I'm not completely understanding what's going on there, so hesitant to muck around too much!

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