Problems Loading Samples

CTP Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi everyone, I am having an issue loading samples in Battery 4. When I create new rows in a blank kit. Every cell/note after row D defaults to C1. It didn't behave like this in battery 3 so I used to make kits and import them there. After manually assigning the cells to the correct input and loading samples, what used to trigger as one shots now trigger as loops as well as in the rows A through D. All the settings seem to be correct for them to trigger as one shots. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been dealing with this since Komplete 10 released.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Unfortunately this is how Battery 4 operates. One solution could be to create an empty template with the number of rows you need and with the correct note assignments so this way you can easily recall this empty preset?

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