Assigning Touch Strip and Continuous Foot Pedal on S61 Mk 3

RikkiB Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

I've sussed the general principle for assigning MIDI CC numbers in the default MIDI template to my Touch Strip and to a Moog EP-3 pedal plugged in, but for some reason I can't get either of them to send a MIDI signal to Logic DAW on CC number 11.
Can anyone shed some light on the possible reason for this?

I'd have thought the pedal especially would be useful to control Expression (CC11), but I'm damned if I know how.

For the moment, I've set them randomly to CC 25 and 26, and this works fine, as does pretty much any other number - just not 11!

What numbers do others generally find useful for these and any other continuous controllers?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,187 mod

    Check in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, is CC11 when you move the pedal or touchstrip? If it's the same than when you're in Logic, then assigning 2 controls to the same CC can cause conflict so maybe try to set up only the pedal to CC11 and another for the touch strip. Also make sure that no other knob or button is assigned to CC11.

    If it's only in Logic, it could mean that something was set up around CC11 in Logic by accident, which can happen easily, as Logic has a lot of MIDI assignments possibilities. In this case, resetting Logic to default should fix the issue.

    If needed you can monitor the MIDI of the MK3: How to Monitor the Output of a MIDI Controller

  • RikkiB
    RikkiB Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Can't see where to monitor the CCs in Komplete Kontrol I'm afraid, but I set up the app MIDI monitor, and everything is coming out of the S61 as it should, so I think it must be a Logic problem, but I can't for the life of me work it out.

    At the moment, neither the Moog pedal, NOR the touch strip will show up on the Logic MIDI monitor although notes, aftertouch, pitchwheel and modulation all appear as they should.

    I currently have the expression pedal mapped to CC11 and the touch strip to CC25. These appear giving a full range of values from 1-127 in my MIDI monitor app, but Logic is just ignoring them.

    I guess I'll have to ask around some Logic forums, as it certainly seems to be a Logic problem, but if anyone has any ideas here, please share, as it's driving me nuts. (I'll post if I get a solution somewhere).

  • RikkiB
    RikkiB Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    OK - I came across this, and I've got both controllers showing up in Logic again:

    Have you tried (temporarily) disabling all controller? To do so:

    Choose Logic Pro > Preferences > Control Surfaces > Bypass all Control Surfaces.

    If that solves your issue, the Expression pedal has likely been assigned as a controller. In such a case, to permanently solve your issue, you would have to open the Control Assignment window (in Expert view) and delete the Expression pedal (CC#11) associated assignment.

    I'd assigned the expression pedal to control the position of the Wah pedal in Logic's pedalboard, and assigned Control Strip (on CC25) to control something on the Alchemy synth.

    But now I'm really confused, because I thought the whole point of the Logic 'Learn' function was to make these types of useful assignments.

    I'll have to dig deeper to see what I've missed - SURELY it must be possible to assign the control strip or Expression pedal to a particular function, without it then not working at all. What's the point of having them otherwise?

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