Massive X - user defined tags?

Splicer Member Posts: 27 Helper
edited December 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Apparently we can add tags to our presets now but I'm not seeing any option to do this when I'm saving presets. How do I add the tags?

Edit: Ok, it seems like the implementation of this isn't great. If you click the save icon while you're on the synth UI, you don't get the chance to add tags. It just saves the preset as is. To add the tags when saving, you first need to click the preset browser icon, click on the small encircled letter 'i' in the bottom right, then click the small edit button on the top right, and now you can add your tags and apply them before saving.

How do I delete a sound type or character from the list? Say I made one with a typo or don't like the name I chose, how do I get rid of it?

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