Multi instrument sums all instruments on the last instrument's output

Jterrific Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Kontakt 7.10.6

All instruments send to last output when using multiple outputs. The last instrument's output channel ends up being an unwanted master bus without any access to the last instrument on it's own.

This occurs with all the multi output instances I create. I try using batch functions or do it manually.

I check the individual output setting for each instrument and try different combinations . The last output is only set for the last instrument.

This is not the DAW doing this. I see it happening at the plugin level.

For example: I have a Kontakt instance with Spitfire clarinets, English Horns, and solo oboe

-Clarinets are heard on output 1, routed 1&2
-English horns are heard on out 2, router 3&4
-On output 3, routed 5&6, I am hearing Oboe and clarinets and English horns all together

This makes for a very confusing mix as I have no discrete output for the solo oboe.

My workaround has been to load a 4th instrument that I don't need, turn it's volume to zero, redo the batch function and ignore the 4th output.

then I get the first three output as discrete as needed.

Pretty lame hack as it chews up DSP and memory, but it works. What is the real fix/technique?

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