Sessions Horns Pro

coachhumph Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


I just upgraded from Sessions Horns to Sessions Horns Pro but I don't know how it works. I wanted to be able to have just one horn instead a a group of 2 or more and I also wanted to be able to have certain notes have different articulation for the same horn track. So far I can't learn how to do any of that and I'm running into more questions such as what is the omni midi channel as well as the other midi channel and why my horns only produce an audible sound if it on omni. I have autism and learning anything new is extremely difficult when I don't have a living person to speak with in real time. Communication is extraordinarily difficult for me as well.

I don't know if I can be helped but I figured I would at least try. Youtube videos haven't helped but they have increased the number of questions I have.

Thank you in advance to anyone who tries to help me.


Best Answer

  • pskains
    pskains Member Posts: 4 Member
    Answer ✓

    Well you are in luck. I have the Alesis Q88, which I believe is the same model with just a different number of keys. So, to select a midi channel on the Alesis, first look at the small writing above the keys themselves. Either in the first or second octave on the "D" key, it should say "CH1". This is indicating that this key would be used to select midi channel 1. The next white key up, "E", should say "CH2", etc continuing up the keyboard for all 16 channels.

    To utilize this function, first press the data button (it may be marked "Advanced"). It is the button just above the two octave shift buttons you mentioned. When you press the button, an LED indicator should light up and remain lit. This is indicating that it is awaiting further input from you on what you want it to do. Press the "D" key that is labeled "CH1" and that should put you back into midi channel 1. So to recap:

    *Press the "Advanced" button

    *Press the key that is labelled "CH1" (or any of the channels you choose.

    The reason OMNI is working for you now is that OMNI indicates that ALL midi channels will trigger the sound.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,227 mod


    you have to load the session horns solo instrument as far as I remember, from the left side instrument browser. Then you should be able to play a solo instrument. Midi channels are there to divide midi signals, but going through one port. That way you can play two instruments differently but through one midi port. Session horns should also react to one of the channels, but it depends what your keyboard is sending. I would highly recommend the kontakt and session horns manual, they are very well written, maybe it helps you to understand all that better.

  • coachhumph
    coachhumph Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited June 2022

    Thank you I am able to load the solo instruments. I'm sorry for not stating that earlier, I should have mentioned that. I have looked at the Sessions Horns Pro PDF manual if that is what you're referring to. I don't remember it explaining anything about Midi Channels and why I get sound only when I choose Omni. Session Horns was like that too. The only change I can recall is that I bought a new (used) Midi controller and I couldn't get it to produce sound with Session horns until I chose Omni. My previous Midi controller didn't require me to choose Omni. Both Midi controllers were very inexpensive and I don't really understand anything about them except that as I press the Midi keys I get the sound according to what instrument I selected in Logic Pro or in this case Session Horns and now Sessions Horns Pro.

    Also the part of your response "Midi channels are there to divide midi signals, but going through one port. That way you can play two instruments differently but through one midi port. Session horns should also react to one of the channels, but it depends what your keyboard is sending."

    I don't know how to do any of that. I think I know what you're saying but I don't know how to do any of it. The youtube video I saw showed the person using the channels A, B, C, and D but when I choose them I get no sound at all Only choosing Omni results in getting sound.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,227 mod

    the ports a,b,c and d are virtual midi ports, and any of those ports can receive on 16 channels - or on all at once (omni). I am pretty sure, that if you try all midi channels with your keyboard one will work, just read the manual of the keyboard, then you can learn to edit the midi ch of the keys, set it to one. But load the single instrument version and you hear, like you wanted it, one instrument. You can edit (keyswitches) and trigger articulations with notes of the second lowest octave (C-1 to C0, more or less depending on instrument). I only had some problems, if i trigger articulations with the note to play sound at the same time, i just set the articulation a bit before the notes to play.

  • coachhumph
    coachhumph Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you so much. My keyboard was purchased used from a store and it did not come with a manual. I'm extremely ignorant about just about all things musically oriented and so much of what you typed is far beyond my grasp. Having autism makes it even harder to understand things that are new to me.

    Fortunately though, I looked at the youtube video I have been watching for about 7 or 8 times now and I followed each thing he did exactly and it worked so I can get sound even without having the channel on omni. I'm sorry if I made it seem like I know what I'm talking about because I really don't have a clue. I really do appreciate you taking the time to try and help me. It means a lot

  • pskains
    pskains Member Posts: 4 Member

    Great answers in here so far, but I wanted to add a couple of things. I too just recently upgraded to the pro version. I wasn't entirely happy loading the single instruments and using key switches. I wanted to use single horns in performance mode to be able to activate my chosen articulation through velocity. You can do this by loading performance mode, choosing a horn section, and then you can solo the horn you want to use. To do this, scroll to the bottom and click "sound". Then in each of the horn image boxes, you will see solo and mute buttons as well as faders. Just click the "S" button for the horn you want to use. Then you can play a single horn with the same functionality you are used to in session horns.

    About the midi, the reason you are having to use omni, sounds like your midi controller is set to a midi channel other than 1. You can try to figure out which channel it is by selecting each midi channel in Kontakt one by one until you find a single channel that works. You should be able to read the documentation of your midi controller to find out how to change midi channels. If you share the controller you have, I or someone else here may be able to tell you how to do it as well.

  • coachhumph
    coachhumph Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you very much. My Midi controller is an Alesis brand name and I think the model is Q61. Those are the only words on the controller. It doesn't have all 88 keys but I think it has the next highest number of keys for a controller without having 88. There are 2 wheels, one has the word "pitch" and the other has the word "modulation" I'm guessing they can alter the sound of what one chooses to play when they press a key on the keyboard but to me it's like saying a surgeon makes incisions on the patient's body and then goes in and corrects what needs to be corrected. I'm no closer to being surgeon after saying that than I am close to knowing what to do with those 2 wheels :-)

    There are also 3 other buttons. of them can be used to go up and down octaves on the keyboard (I actually know how to use those as shocking as that might sound) The 3rd button is in the middle and I have no idea what it's for or what it does. The words "Midi/Select" are above it. The only other thing I see is what appears to be a volume adjuster but I have no idea why it's there because I have volume on my computer speakers.

    That's all I see on the controller. Thank you again.

    I think I understand what you're saying about choosing Performance and then singling out the particular instrument from the group. I just used my mouse to click on each of the 4 instruments and chose "No Instrument" for 3 out of the 4 possible instruments in the grouping.

  • pskains
    pskains Member Posts: 4 Member
    Answer ✓

    Well you are in luck. I have the Alesis Q88, which I believe is the same model with just a different number of keys. So, to select a midi channel on the Alesis, first look at the small writing above the keys themselves. Either in the first or second octave on the "D" key, it should say "CH1". This is indicating that this key would be used to select midi channel 1. The next white key up, "E", should say "CH2", etc continuing up the keyboard for all 16 channels.

    To utilize this function, first press the data button (it may be marked "Advanced"). It is the button just above the two octave shift buttons you mentioned. When you press the button, an LED indicator should light up and remain lit. This is indicating that it is awaiting further input from you on what you want it to do. Press the "D" key that is labeled "CH1" and that should put you back into midi channel 1. So to recap:

    *Press the "Advanced" button

    *Press the key that is labelled "CH1" (or any of the channels you choose.

    The reason OMNI is working for you now is that OMNI indicates that ALL midi channels will trigger the sound.

  • pskains
    pskains Member Posts: 4 Member

    Also, if you want the manual for the Alesis, you can get it at this link:

    Good luck

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