KK Light Guide doesn't show feedback from Logic Pro instruments

Paully Bee
Paully Bee Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

Running KK S61 Mk1. Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6. Controller Editor 2.8.2. Logic Pro 11.01. Mac OS Ventura 13.7.

I'm rather certain that some time ago the keyboard's light guide would feedback the notes played from native host/DAW instruments. Whether the lights were showing the default template or one I had specifically created in Controller Editor. I physically play the keyboard and the lights brighten, fine, but played back MIDI from Logic has no effect on them.

The Transport functionality is working. As I unserstand it when a non-NI/KK track is selected it defaults to MIDI mode, which it seems to be doing. So it's communicating that much.

But no feedback returned from Logic.

Please send help!



Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod
    Answer ✓

    This isn’t really possible as Komplete Kontrol can not host Logic instruments and the keyboard has no way of knowing how many keys they are mapped to (which would normally only be the case with sampler instruments)

    You can define splits in the keyboard and setup Logic to map multiple instruments to different channels but that is only easy since Logic 11 came out as you can now define MIDI ins and outs per track without needing to set that up in the environment


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod
    Answer ✓

    This isn’t really possible as Komplete Kontrol can not host Logic instruments and the keyboard has no way of knowing how many keys they are mapped to (which would normally only be the case with sampler instruments)

    You can define splits in the keyboard and setup Logic to map multiple instruments to different channels but that is only easy since Logic 11 came out as you can now define MIDI ins and outs per track without needing to set that up in the environment

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    It is. You should be able to see the lightguide LEDs light up with MIDI signals from the DAW showing what is playing on the selected track. You can't control the colour, but the LEDs do indeed light up, I used it as a piano training setup for my daughter some time ago.

    For it to work in the MIDI setup you need to have the keyboard MIDI mort (not the keyboards output but the same midi port you receive the midi from your keyboard) selected to receive midi out from the DAW. I cannot comment on Logic as I use Ableton but once that is setup I believe you then need to select on the track that you want to send MIDI out that port. Don't ahve time to open my DAW but I can say it is possible.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,344 mod

    Ah I see, I misunderstood, I thought this was about showing things like mapped keys like in Kontakt.

  • Paully Bee
    Paully Bee Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    That's correct, sorry if it wasn't clear. Only require the notes / keys to highlight when they're played in Logic. I understand all the instrumental mapping is part of Komplete and needs Kontakt or KK to be running on that track. But for internal Logic instruments, I just want the lights to activate, from idle 50% to on 100%, whatever colour the Controller Editor has set it to, so I can see where they are on the keyboard, and how they're being triggered.

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