Issues loading Arturia CS-80 V3

Petri Rahja
Petri Rahja Member Posts: 3 Member


Running Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 and have issues to load CS-80 V3 as in the image.
Anyone having the same ? That is only from what I tested that does not load properly.

If not done in Standalone the whole DAW will jam when trying to load it.

I have reinstalled it and KK as well. Nothing seems to help.
Wonder if that is Arturia or NI issue …

I have Sonoma 14.7.1 (Mac Studio M1 Ultra)


  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,602 mod

    make sure you have the latest arturia version installed, including the necessary NKS files (sometimes users uncheck or do not install these). once you have, do a plug-in rescan in the KK standalone application.

  • Petri Rahja
    Petri Rahja Member Posts: 3 Member


    I had the latest but the V3 version seems to be a problem. I bought update with CS-80 V from Arturia and did rescan for all plugins. First deleted the databases of KK. Then run the scan as standalone, removed the VST keeping only VST3s. The in DAW run the rescan again.
    Now all works

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,187 mod

    The latest Arturia version is CS-80 v4

  • Petri Rahja
    Petri Rahja Member Posts: 3 Member

    Yep that is wat I bough (CS-80 v4). The V3 did not work properly.

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