KK 3.3.3 losing plug-in focus connection with S88Mk2

ZenBen Member Posts: 8 Member


I recently updated to K15 and KK 3.3.3.

I host KK within Vienna Ensemble Pro running externally from my DAW so I don't enjoy the automatic Host focus features. But, when I load a sound, I manually click on the little 88key icon in the center right of the Komplete Kontrol plugin and that then lights up my S88Mk2 keyboard with the lightguide and displays the current VI on the keyboard. That has always worked well for me. Now, what is happening, is after a bit of working in a session, all of a sudden, and I have not yet figured out what is changing, when I click on that 88key icon, my S88Mk2 will light up with the correct look, but only for about 1- 3 seconds, before reverting back to being in "MIDI" mode where it is just funcitoning as a generic midi keyboard. Sometimes if I leave VEPro and comeback, or click and open other VI's within VEPro, then I can get the Plug-In focus to hold and stay active…but for the most part, once it stops working, it stops working. Cant' figure out what is kicking it out of the plug-in mode. Any ideas? Check out my video demonstrating this issue: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u5ou2h0085kv54knd2679/IMG_7724.MOV?rlkey=aslbyespudra8x8cfqs3vbtr8&dl=0

Best Answer

  • ZenBen
    ZenBen Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    I have solved this issue. The "problem" was with the latest version of Digital Perfomer 11.33 and the way I was attempting to have it connect with the Komplete Kontrol instances hosted seprately in Vienna Ensemble Pro.

    Sine Komplete Kontrol isn't really meant to have full functionality when hosted outside of the Host DAW, I was using it in a non-standard way. I actually created a new workardoung which I really like and that is that I don't fully connect the Komplete Kontrol keyboard in the Digital Performer control surface setup and instead leave the output setting for the Komplete Kontrol window set to none.

    Now, that causes me to lose the transport controls and some other buttons on my KK s88mk2…but they still work by putting out MIDI data. So, I reassigned the transport controls using Keyboard Maestro and in some ways, everything is actually working even better as far as the stability of the connection to my KK instances hosted in VEPro!


  • ZenBen
    ZenBen Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    I have solved this issue. The "problem" was with the latest version of Digital Perfomer 11.33 and the way I was attempting to have it connect with the Komplete Kontrol instances hosted seprately in Vienna Ensemble Pro.

    Sine Komplete Kontrol isn't really meant to have full functionality when hosted outside of the Host DAW, I was using it in a non-standard way. I actually created a new workardoung which I really like and that is that I don't fully connect the Komplete Kontrol keyboard in the Digital Performer control surface setup and instead leave the output setting for the Komplete Kontrol window set to none.

    Now, that causes me to lose the transport controls and some other buttons on my KK s88mk2…but they still work by putting out MIDI data. So, I reassigned the transport controls using Keyboard Maestro and in some ways, everything is actually working even better as far as the stability of the connection to my KK instances hosted in VEPro!

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