GR7 CPU load, sharing insights (might be helpful for debug or a time waste..)

justsomeone Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Ok, so..

(for tl;dr - win10[clean], i5-2540m, 16GB ddr3, Steinberg UR44)

main PC down, installed GR7 player on my laptop (temp, for jamming), it's an old laptop but capable just enough - as soon as i launched GR, the ASIO/Steinberg driver crashed, after a restart and some settings i managed to get it working but with a major problem - very frequent cracks and the GUI (75%) is super laggy - **the CPU usage shows a light 10-25% load** (while negligible ip\op latency), then i noticed that the actual CPU usage in HWmonitor is 100% (60-75% for GR).. weird…

(—TL;DR—→) eventually what i discovered is that if GR is minimized the actual CPU usage drops below 50%, crackles almost completely gone (I'll attribute them to the shoddy temporary cable, ground noise and settings), no problem even with chrome/youtube, CPU kept at mid load.

bringing the GR window back up - CPU goes to 100% (non focused windows does nothing, only when minimized)

on google/NI all i could find is some mentions by users dealing with similar CPU issues, so i thought I'd share this info, might help other users, might be a possible debug hint for the devs.

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