Kontakt AET Articulation Morph Doesn't Sound Right...

New_Essay_6416 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I've just applied the AET Morph method as described in the K manual to morph between non-vibrato and vibrato sounds, but when modulating all the way up, I'm not hearing the vibrato sounds as clear as I did when adjusting their group in isolation from the nonvib sounds.
I see that AET is doing modeling more than playing the actual sound it's morphed into (do I have this right??) but am I missing something?
I tried morphing a simple kick and snare sample to double check, and when morphing 100% the snare never sounded like it did originally.
What may I be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!



  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    AET works with spectral aspects of audio (i.e. the mix of frequencies, affecting the overall timbre/quality of the sound.) It won't do anything for vib/non-vib which is a change of volume/pitch over time. You could try simple cross-fading, though this probably won't sound good either.

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