Sustain Pedal Not Holding Notes (Only for 2 inst.)

HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

My sustain pedal works fine in the DAW with anything but Kontakt 7, specifically for the MG Soft Acoustic Guitar and the Jacob Collier Audience Choir. When pressed down and released, the MIDI shows that it's working, but it holds no note. I've checked the MIDI settings and it's set to 64. Any suggestions, guys?


Best Answer



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited October 2024


    works for me with kontakt 7 and jacob collier audience choir, if i insert a midi monitor into the instrument track it shows cc64, as you already pointed out the correct cc#, value 0 or 127. you also see within kontakt that it receives midi, I use vst3 btw and cubase.

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I’m kind of a newbie when it comes to Kontakt. Would you mind telling me how to add a midi monitor into the inst track? And how to tell what type of car I’m using? I test it standalone and through daw, btw. Thank you for the reply!

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    *VST not car! Sorry!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Maybe it´s best if we try to get it work stand alone, and if that´s working in your daw.

    kontakt has a build in midi monitor - you click on ksp, then presets and as shown to midi monitor. If you now press your pedal it should show your controller 64 value 0 or 127

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I took screenshots of what it's doing on midi monitor screen on the stand alone version for both instruments. Seems to be working well at least according to midi monitor, but still no success with the pedal holding notes :( — these are screenshots of the midi activity for both instruments.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    then i fear i have no further idea, it looks all right on the screenshots, if i press a blue or orange note on the choir expansion, before or while i press the sustain pedal, then release the note, the sound is still hold until i release the pedal so it sends cc#64 value 0. I also guess press is value 127 and release the pedal sends value 0 with your pedal. And if you press or release the pedal do you see left from "Midi Ch" in the instrument the din plug sign blinking, or if you press a note?

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    it is exactly as you say here. When I press notes on the kb or press the sustain pedal I see the midi little icon din plug sign blinking as I press, sustain and let go. Sustain pedal works fine for other instruments and other sounds, except for these two :/ spitfire is asking be a lot of other questions to try to troubleshoot. So I’ll try what they are asking me to do and see if it works or not. I’ll keep you guys posted here to see what they come up with. Thanks!

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Ok, new information. I changed the MIDI PORT from "Omni" to the name of my keyboard "PORT A (LAUNCHKEY MK3 61 (LKMK3 MIDI OUT) + OTHERS) — But then when I press the keys on my keyboard it has not sound. NOW … When I press with my mouse cursor a blue or an orange key (on the kb graphic interface on the standalone version of Kontakt - NOT my actual novation kb!) and press the sustain pedal as I do this … IT WORKS!!! :) … But again … when I press they keys on the actual keyboard it won't work. Is it a configuration issue with the keyboard then? Is this the port I should be using instead of "Omni"? —- I'm sure it is not a sound output issue because it does sound when I press it on the interphase keyboard with my mouse … :/ I feel like we are getting close to the fix but not sure what it is.

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Also, it does this ONLY on port 1! Not any other ports under the same Launchkey kb MIDI Ch. Not sure if this matters.

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Also, when I press the sustain pedal under this same MIDI Ch., the little midi din icon DOES NOT light up. But the MIDI Monitor does detect input as before under the same parameter: Controller: 64 Value 127 (when pressed) and 0 (when released) but now under Channel: (A) 1 —- Hope this new info helps. And I'm sorry for not writing everything under one same post but as I'm discovering new information I'm posting it here! ;) Thanks!

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Here's a short video to let you know what's going on. Hope it helps!


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited October 2024

    Ok now I think I know what's going on, your keyboard sending notes on ch11 so the cc#64 on midi ch 1 is not sustaining those notes in kontakt. You need to change note midi ch to 1. Depending on the keyboard you can set a global midi ch somewhere or just the keys, you have to look it up in the keyboards manual. Kontakt can devide several sounds via those midi channels so it makes sense that it's not reacting to different ch signals in those cases. And if you have the keyboard set up correctly you can leave the setting in kontakt to omni as long as you don't load several instruments and want to devide them/control them by different midi ch signals.

  • HectorJr1985
    HectorJr1985 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm honestly very confused with what you're saying because I don't see anywhere that the kb is being sent to channel 11. Am I missing something on the interface where I should be finding this information different than the MIDI Monitor? I can look for the manual and try to see if it says anything related to what you're commenting on. Thank you!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    On your video around 40 seconds you see at the end of every line ch a 11 as farvas I can see it, but the pedal was on ch a 1, and that all perfectly fits all you described above, the whole behavior.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    If you need help, just tell me the model of your midi keyboard and we can find out together how to set it up.

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