Logic Pro and Kontakt 8 issue

Filmaker Member Posts: 17 Member

I have several Logic Pro projects that used Kontakt 7 instances.
I recently upgraded from Kontakt 7 to 8. When I open up a project, Logic says The plug-in named “Kontakt 7” isn’t available on your system, please choose another.
( I uninstalled Kontakt 7 after upgrading to 8).
When I choose Kontakt 8, I lose all my output tracks, FX plugin inserts, etc. within Logic and lose all my libraries of choice within Kontakt. My instances of Kontakt are blank. It's like having to start from scratch. The thing is, I also use Digital Performer and it handled the Kontakt upgrade perfectly without losing anything.
Any suggestions on why Logic is not handling the Kontakt 8 version upgrade? Anyway to restore it?


  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I'm also interested in hearing a response to this.

  • Cantopop
    Cantopop Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    After I installed Kontakt 8, Komplete Kontrol in Logic crashed totally. I uninstalled Kontakt 8 and luckily I can use Komplete Kontrol again. I'm on Ventura 13.7, and M2 Pro. NI needs to do a better job on a) testing the applications before they just let everyone install b) list clearly the system requirements and what software the new updates support. Last time I upgraded Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt7, and I couldn't work in Logic for 2 weeks…until they sent me the roll-back software. (T T)

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