Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3

dexl Member Posts: 66 Helper

I have A61 keyboard and Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6

I remember I had to downgrade from version 3 of KK because things broke.

Question: is the latest KK version 3.3.3 safe to install if you only have A61, not the latest mk3 keyboard? Will it break functionality again? It shouldn't be possible to update through Native Access if I have incompatible hardware.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Well, i'd suggest looking at the various issues being reported on the forums about the current 3.3.3 and make your mind up that way. Suffice to say, personally I will stick to 2.9.6 for the un-foreseeable future as bugs seem to now be popping up left and right with still things that were never fixed/resolved from release so if you have time to report bugs and faith they will actually be addressed then it's probably good to get into.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    So much of this depends on the OS and the OS release version along with the DAW you're using. You're probably going to have to do some research to find out if it will work for you. I'm on Windows 10 and Ableton Live 11 and mine's been pretty much rock solid since I upgraded at the beginning of the year.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Komplete Kontrol 3 supports MK2 keyboards, A series, M32. It only doesn't support MK1 keyboards. If you have any issues, it's most probably a setup issue and our support will look into it if needed.

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