Connecting S61 mk3 to FL Studio: Why 2 different controllers?

minitaurus Member Posts: 5 Member

Hello community,

I am not the greatest MIDI expert and I am wondering, why there are 2(3) devices of my S61 mk3 in the controller list of FL Studio:

'Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol DAW' and 'Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol MIDI' (both for Midi in and out - there is even a third S61 device, but this is not specifically named and also not enabled).

Both have a different port number (236, 237). As far as I could figure out only the first controller (port 236) is doing something. When I disable it, I cannot play any sounds. Whereas when I disable the other one (and the first is enabled) it is still playing.

My previous controller was only once in the list and that seemd to be sufficient. What is the meaning of all those S61 devices?

Thank you guys!

Best Answer

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 700 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Kontrol Mk3 shows as 2 separate midi devices, one is for MIDI (playing keys, etc). Another one is for DAW control. Perfectly normal, Novation controllers do the same.

    Third midi device (disabled) is for physical midi out which (at present) only works when USB cable is not plugged into computer.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 700 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Kontrol Mk3 shows as 2 separate midi devices, one is for MIDI (playing keys, etc). Another one is for DAW control. Perfectly normal, Novation controllers do the same.

    Third midi device (disabled) is for physical midi out which (at present) only works when USB cable is not plugged into computer.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,670 mod

    This is the answer ^^^

  • minitaurus
    minitaurus Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi guys, thanks a lot for your quick answers, much appreciated!

    I was not sure what "DAW control" means as things like pitch or mod wheel still were functioning. But now I figured out that we are talking about remote control of the sequencer etc.

    Finally the enlightenment 💡, thanks again!

  • minitaurus
    minitaurus Member Posts: 5 Member

    After reading my previous post again, I feel to write additional comment. I used to use DAWs a very long time but I always controlled it via PC. I never had the wish to start/stop the sequencer or do the mixes via keyboard etc. Maybe also because I never had a controller which was able to do that (as comfortable as it is possible today with such a great device like S61). In fact, my previous "DAW controller" was a Novation. But not a dedicated MIDI controller but a little synth, the Ultranova. Not the best choice, only 3 octaves and other limitations, but it featured (channel) aftertouch in contrast to my other keyboards. And as I wrote before, it had only registered with one device each per MIDI in and MIDI out. Controlling the DAW for me so far meaned playing and tweaking the soft instruments, nothing more.

    Interesting times ahead…

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