Why isn't there audio playing from instruments in Kontakt 7 and 8?

Scottymation Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


When I hit the keyboard keys in Kontakt 7 and 8, the meters in the upper right corner show audio is playing, but I don't hear any audio. I've tried uninstalling both versions multiple times, played around with the options, but nothing seems to work. I'm just trying to try out some instruments in the standalone free Kontakt right now.

For context, I'm on a Windows 11 with a Samsung TV as my monitor. So all audio goes from my PC, through an HDMI, and out of my TV's speakers when I'm not using headphones. I can also show you what I have in Kontakt options regarding MIDI Outputs and Audio Drivers and Devices. Please let me know if you need any more info from me.

MIDI Outputs:

Audio Driver's and Devices:


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    the HD audio device is some onboard soundcard. If you want to hear something through the HDMI connection to your tv, you have to use the Nvidia device, even if that's not a good solution. Normally, if you make some music with PC, you should use a proper audio interface with an asio driver. But maybe in your case it's enough but you'll find out.

  • Scottymation
    Scottymation Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you!

    I had no idea using an audio interface was a common process. I downloaded ASIO4ALL to see if it would work and after installing it and changing my settings in Kontakt to recognize it, I basically got it working immediately. If having the actual hardware is truely a better option, I'll invest in something like that in the near future.

    Much appreciated!


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    If asio4all works for you and you don't miss anything it's fine.

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