One browser to rule them all

Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,183 mod
edited September 2024 in Kontakt

So with K8 we now have another browser making a total now of at least 7 different types of browser available in Kontakt - i.e original Rack Browser, Files and Quickview browsers (3), the Snapshots browser (4), the Library browser introduced in K7 (5), the new K8 side pane browser (6) plus various per instrument preset browsers just to confuse things further (7+)

The problem is compounded by the fact that none of them shows every type of preset or sample and now we have the added confusion of 2 different views where only certain types of browser are supported in each - it's a mess imho

Isn't it time for us to have just one browser that consolidates all types of available preset and sample into one accessible panel?

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