Trk-01 start from scratch?

Romain GUEVEL Member Posts: 1 Member

is it possible to start from scratch with the trk-01? Let me explain.

Every time I start a track with the trk-01 it's from a preset. But by doing this, lots of buttons are already set and I don't want that.

I want to be able to put the sample of a kick and have it in the trk-01 as it sounds in my daw. When I load it from a preset, everything is already set and suddenly my sample doesn't look like the original one at all, while I just want to embellish it with the trk-01.

Can someone help me please?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,047 mod

    Well, the best option would be to create a preset with an empty pattern, this way you only need to load this one every time. Does that help?

  • ivan hello
    ivan hello Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    estoy muy frustrado con TRK-01 suena estupendo pero no soy capaz de grabar o cargar un patron en mi arrengment o track ni de presets establecidos ni ninguno que yo hiciera porque la verdad se te quitan las ganas de hacer nada nuevo si no lo puedes utilizar en tus arreglos o tracks …..estoy tan fustrado que no creo que vuelva a comprarningun proucto mas aqui em NI es agotador ni siquiera en los videos de youtube hay ninguna demostracion de como cargar los patrones del tRK-01 en fin si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradeceria

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