Scrolling through tracks not opening the correct instance of Komplete Kontrol

fossie Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I just bought an mk3 replacing my mk2 and have just opened a project I created using the mk2. The mk3 doesn't seem to want to display the correct KK instrument. I got it to open two of the 3 instruments but it now it seems to be stuck on an instance of KK Repro-5.

This is the first time I've written about this issue in a forum but tbh I've had this exact issue with KK for years. Guessing it's just a bug of the system but any tips to solve this problem would be appreciated.

Komplete Kontrol mk3 S88

Logic Pro 11.0.1

MacBook Pro 13.6.1


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 838 Guru

    The MK3 is loading VSTs from a different database architecture than what you likely were loading on your MK2 based projects. Check the integrity of the instrument library to make sure it's loaded in the current version of Native Access.

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