Dx7s can do this? #Tip to make a shredding guitar sound with FM8 and Komplete Kontrol!

SlowmanJazz Member Posts: 5 Member

  1. Find a DX7 Epiano-type sound using your Komplete Kontrol browser. I chose FM8 Stage E-Piano.
  2. To get rid of the tanky sound in the low-end, fiddle with the harmonics control; (I set mine to -58, (Gives it a nice electric guitar-like sound)
  3. If your sound has a wobly chorus effect, change the detune to -99, or any other value that gets rid of that effect. (You can add chorus later if youwant).
  4. Set your timbre envelope and amp envelope accordingly:
  • Timbre: Attack: 17. Decay: 61. Sustain: 0. Release: -33.
  • Amp: Attack: 13. Decay and sustain both 0. Release: -20.
  1. On the Master/Pitch page, make sure your unison setting is at 0.
  2. Now, the fun part: Go to the drive page. Turn on drive, then crank the drive and volume controls all the way up to 11!
  3. Go to the tube page, and turn it on. Turn that drive all the way up as well, and adjust the volume setting according to taste.
  4. Play the keyboard. If this isn't satisfactory, go to slot 2, load up Guitar Rig, and select your favorite amp setting.

You've just initiated yourself into any 80s hairband you wish to join!

If you want to hear this in action, Download the Zip file below and listen to the MP3 inside. Enjoy!


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