Use Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 MIDI Port 1 & Port 2 to connect different devices simultaneously

Arunava Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi All,

Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 have the presence of both MIDI Port 1 and MIDI Port 2 for triggering midi signals from two softwares at the same time. However I was facing challenges with the below scenario when trying to use my Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 keyboard to connect to my iPad and my MacBook at the same time.

Scenario : Using my Komplete Kontrol MK2 keyboard, I will be able to trigger midi signals both from my MacBook AIR as well as iPad (at the same time) without the need to pull out the physical USB cable and/or attach/reattach the MIDI cables to switch between the devices.

My MacBook AIR has Komplete Kontrol software while my iPad has the KORG Module 4.6.8. My goal is to be able to trigger sound from my Komplete Kontrol software and also trigger sound from my KORG module, when I press any keys in my Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 keyboard.

One of the possible solution is to disconnect the USB cable from the MacBook AIR and attach it to the iPad and vice versa, as per need to trigger the sound from the desired software. But this is not an ideal scenario, since we cannot get the sound simultaneously from both and also it involves manual connection/disconnection of cables.

In order to avoid this, and achieve my desired result, I am employing the below solution:


  1. Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 MIDI Controller Keyboard
  2. USB cable to connect to the MacBook Air having Komplete Kontrol installed.
  3. WIDI Master (from CME) for wireless transmission of MIDI signals using S88 MK2 MIDI port
  4. iPad having Korg Module software and connected to the keyboard using bluetooth MIDI thru WIDI Master
  5. MidiPipe (from SubtleSoft) software to route the MIDI signals

Step 1: Open the MidiPipe software, and choose "Midi In" under "Tools" and select "Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 - Port 1" under MIDI Input.

Step 2: choose "Midi Out" under "Tools" and select "Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 - Port 2" under MIDI Input. The above 2 steps can be saved as a MidiPipe file for later (optional).

Step 3 [Important]: After making the changes, we do need to keep the MIDIPipe software open and/or minimized in order to make the configuration work.

Step 4: Open "Komplete Kontrol" and choose the instrument. Please remember to select appropriate ports for your S88 MK2 keyboard in "MIDI Input" preferences under Komplete Kontrol Settings.

Step 5: Open the "Korg Module" software in iPAD and select the WIDI Master Bluetooth in bluetooth MIDI under settings.

Step 6: Now on pressing any keys in the keyboard, the audio signals will come from both Korg Module (in iPad) as well the Komplete Kontrol software (MacBook Air) at the same time.

Hope this helps others who is facing challenges with a similar scenario.

Thanks all!

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