Missing Sonuscore Saw and Pipe organ

Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

Hi all, new install of Komplete 14 CE

I selected Install All then deselected the few things I didn't want.

Upon completion, both Sonuscore Saw and Sonuscore Pipe Organ simply say Locate, yet in my account, it says I can download via Native Access? (see pic)

Part of me thinks this happened before and was an easy fix, but am on strong prescribed meds at the moment and heads a bit woozy so can't think straight, any help gratefully received as always.

I've looked where the other content is installed and they don't appear to be there.



  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

    Doh, just login to my account at Sonuscore and they are there along with instructions

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