Massive X Crashes Logic 11

LTD Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

2020 iMac i7

Sonoma 14.6.1

When I click on Massive X inside the inspector to open the instrument Logic crashes.

I’ve searched this forum, the rest of the NI site, YouTube, Google, Reddit, etc, and tried everything that looked as current as possible. Still it doesn’t work. What do I do? Did I miss something or is this still being worked on between Apple and NI?

Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

  • LTD
    LTD Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Issue was fixed. File path wasn't in line with the rest of the apps and instruments. I contacted support and was guided toward reinstalling the instruments and apps that had the same path and wouldn't work. A huge amount of credit goes to support, and the solution was actually fairly simple. Everything works wonderfully now.


  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I must admit I haven't yet tried Massive X on Logic 11 yet. Among the things you tried, did you delete Logic's Audio Unit cache?? This can be done in the Plugin Manager and requires a restart of Logic.

  • LTD
    LTD Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hey thanks for the reply. I just tried your solution and unfortunately it didn't work. However, the plug-in manager did reveal that FM8 MFX failed validation. I don't know what that means but I would like to get that working as well. Regarding Massive X- opening the instrument still crashes Logic.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Try a computer restart. Then run up Logic, open up Plugin Manager, select FM8 MFX and hit Reset & Rescan Selection.

    Not everything passes Logic's validation the first time around, but this usually sets it straight. If not, then there either an update is required somewhere or a bug needs to be reported.

  • LTD
    LTD Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Issue was fixed. File path wasn't in line with the rest of the apps and instruments. I contacted support and was guided toward reinstalling the instruments and apps that had the same path and wouldn't work. A huge amount of credit goes to support, and the solution was actually fairly simple. Everything works wonderfully now.

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