Is it possible to create fully custom patterns for Acoustic Sunburst Deluxe?

bonkster Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

While on the Acoustic Sunburst Patterns tab, hovering the Wrench icon reveals a tooltip that states: "Customize the selected pattern." Pressing the Wrench opens the Inspector Panel.

In the Inspector I see the slim options for modifying the existing patterns, and we have the anachronistic Floppy Disk icon for save customized patterns. But even after thrice reading the user guide, and searching through youTube videos, I don't see a way to dive deeper and define my own custom patterns from scratch.

So a couple of questions:

Is there a way to drag a Strum pattern in from Logic Pro X, like we can drag Progressions and Voicings to and from a DAW. Can we do the same with arpeggio patterns with Voicing Off/As Played?

Is there a way to define a strum pattern or arpeggio pattern within Acoustic Sunburst.

Can anyone point to resources for learning any of these techniques? I don't find the existing patterns very useful, interesting or guitar-like.

But I'm impressed with the sound of this steel string guitar and would like to dealve deeper.

Here's an example of something created in a matter of minutes:


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod
    Answer ✓

    Sorry for not having been more active in this thread.

    It's not possible to edit the mute sounbs.

    I don't think Kithara was thought as a realistic guitar.

    Forwarding your comments to the product team.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @bonkster Well, you have 2 separate instruments in Sunburst Deluxe, the original one, which is pattern based and the Melody one, which is the note to note instrument. The pattern based part is mostly made of recorded patterns with a few playback parameters and options.

    There is no drag & drop feature for this instrument. You could technically record the MIDI output of Kontakt, there's a setting here but unfortunately since there are some internal scripts, some notes will not correspond so we don't recommend it for this library.

    I imagine the best option would be to try the Melody instrument.

  • bonkster
    bonkster Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thanks for your reply. And I apologize that I didn't see it until just now.

    Regarding the same sound file ( I used Sweet Memories A with its nice strum mutes. But the "mute" sound is slightly too loud for my taste.

    Is there a way to attenuate those parts of the pattern itself. And once achieved is there a way to save that as a custom pattern?

  • bonkster
    bonkster Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Another question related to Acoustic Sunburst

    Like many steel string VST guitars Acoustic Sunburts has a predilection for sounding like a twelve-string guitar. Can you recommend settings to make it sound more like a six-string guitar?

  • bonkster
    bonkster Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    With the advent of Komplete 15 I hoped we'd have deeper access preset pattern and strum functionality. Like the ability to import MIDI files generated from my DAW and use a basis for a range of similar strums or fingering-picking patterns. Or that libraries would have a built in option for defining patterns.

    As this thread started out: If I had the option of setting the "velocity" of various part of patterns, at least for the provided presets, my problem with the excessively loud Mute sound would be resolved … because I'd be easily able to attenuate it.

    I had hoped that Kontakt 8 and Komplete 15 would address these matters, but:

    • Komtakt's improvements seem superficial. I appreciate a basically improved browser, but there the more deeply musical areas, that would benefit from an overhaul

    • As a composer there's essentially nothing of value for me in Chords, Phrases, and Leap.

    I appreciate Kontakt wanting to appeal to a wider audience of people who want to generate automatic "music" but the features would need a better, more logical interface and a heaping helping of AI to catch my attention. But I also feel that Apple made the same mistake with Logic's Chord Line and it's AI piano.

    • I'm finding little compelling among Komplete 15's new offerings, particularly in the realm of realistic acoustic stringed instruments. Overall the average quality of acoustic sounds are deceptively problematic. For instance, every demo I've seen of Kithara has its sounds so drenched with echo and reverb that I'm unable to evaluate the fundamental quality of the basic samples—I guess that's intended and draws people in because everyone loves echo and reverb. The other way that demos hide the sample quality is by making big arrangements blanketed with lots of percussion. But it makes me want to wait or look elsewhere.

    That said, I really appreciate Picked Nylon, despite its various velocity split issues and a number of other odd things. I'm able to make recordings like this:

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod
    Answer ✓

    Sorry for not having been more active in this thread.

    It's not possible to edit the mute sounbs.

    I don't think Kithara was thought as a realistic guitar.

    Forwarding your comments to the product team.

  • songman
    songman Member Posts: 85 Member
    edited November 2024

    No it is not possible to create custom strumming patterns in any of the NI guitar apps. If you want to do that you have to check out MusicLab's RealGuitars. The tweakability of these is just awesome. The NI ones can be used as extra effects but the basis of a good guitar track for me lies with Musiclab. Very realistic sounds too. Mind, I am talking about strumming patterns. Solo melody playing is very nice in the NI apps too.

    PS I have no connection as what so ever with Musiclab.

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