Where in Kontakt Studio Drummer are the HH open/close via Mod Wheel controlled?

bhuether1 Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I am trying to figure out how Studio Drummer is using Mod Wheel for controlling how open/closed a high hat is. I can't find anything in the Kontakt instrument editor that shows how Mod Wheel is being used.

I generated some MIDI from Logic's Drummer, and I am trying to figure out how to play back the HH samples in Studio Drummer that most closely match what Logic Drummer was playing. Logic Drummer uses 7 degrees of open/close via CC1, and so I am trying to edit Studio Drummer accordingly.



  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    With the "Default" Midi Mapping Preset, the A#1 open/HH is controlled by the mod wheel. If you hover the mouse over the key on The Kontakt Keyboard (and you have INFO enabled, press F9 if not enabled) it will show "HiHat Open Control", increasing the mod wheel closes the Hat.

  • bhuether1
    bhuether1 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Ok, in looking at Logic Drummer, I came across this:

    So here it talks about how for F#1, G#1, and A#1, CC1 can be used to control openness of those 3 note types. When Drummer produces MIDI, I see Logic specific Articulation ID's. Login uses 7 of these IDs. So I am going through a Drummer MIDI file, and looking what Studio Drummer has, and trying to figure ot if there is a way to map degrees of openness to F#1, G#1, and A#1.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Section 5 of the Manual discusses the different articulations for the different kits so you may want to take a look at that. Don't have logic, but can you specify/change the note played by an articulation Id? if so, pick the note that is the SD articulation you want and map it to the articulation ID...

  • bhuether1
    bhuether1 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Ok, manual shows

    Open Controller**

    Open Pedal

    Open Quarter

    Open Half

    Open Three-Quarters

    Open Loose

    Open Full

    So I guess that is 6 degrees of open, and 1 fully closed, which cover Logic's 7 articulations perhaps.

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